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I used to think no one will love me like my last
But you did or maybe I thought you did
But the words you told me that night
Pierced like a sword and swept like a flood

I used to be in love, I used to be in dire need
But maybe that's just not for me
Maybe my world is rather filled with thorns of happiness than roses of love
Your words broke me, it did

How could I be in love with someone who didn't
I tried to cry but it won't pour
I rather laid numb not feeling anything without being able to move from the spot
'Til sleep finally came and took me away into a dream

A dream of you, me defending you from your fears
Why do I have to be so kind
This heart of mine should be stony but I don't know
Someone good just comes and shatters it like a glass plate awaiting its end

And here I am starting all over again.

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