Valentine's Day

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Once upon a time in LA California a time where people were very busy with their jobs and people lived their lives happily, lived a girl about 20 who was dreaming of meeting someone who would spend his life with her forever.

That girl's name was Halina. She had long curly brown hair and had hazel eyes. Light skin toned and a joyful smile everyday.

She had a best friend that everyone could count on. Her name was Jessie. Yes they really are good friends and her boyfriend, Jonathan was a good friend of Halina too. Sometimes her brought the question

Jonathan : Halina, tell me why you still don't have a boyfriend? you reject every suitor, you gotta say yes to one of them

And Halina would always reply the same,

Halina : that's probably because i haven't met anyone beyond my expectations. No one has surprised me yet.

There were a lot of guys who like Halina and whenever she would go to her favorite cake shop, clothing shop or even on her way to work, guys would stand and stare at her and would try to start a conversation. Halina never gave them a chance to.

One day, 2 days before Valentine's day, Jessie and Halina were at work filling some documents.

Jessie : can you believe that we have to do this and not them? so unfair.

Halina : totally. oh well, at least we have something to do. (smiles at Jessie)

*boss comes in*

Boss : well girls, be done with that in 10 minutes and then you may take the day off.

Halina : ow! thanks sir!

Jessie : hurry up we gotta do this fast. i wanna go and buy a new dress for my date with Jonathan.

Halina : sure! oh! let's go to Chanel, they have one of the best red dresses!

Jessie : ok!

*they finished their tea and took their coats with them*

As they were walking their way to Chanel Halina spotted a guy proposing to his girlfriend and they seemed to be the happiest people on earth. As Jessie was holding the door knob of the Chanel boutique, she saw Halina staring at them. Halina did look sad.

Jessie : (padding Halina's shoulder) hey, Halina, it's alright, he'll come, and this time, it'll be the one. i promise.

Halina : (turns to face Jessie then tries to smile) hmm, yeah.

Jessie : c'mon let's get in.

The both of them got in and saw all the most beautiful shoes, bags, dresses they could take their eyes on. There were a lot of black dresses but Jessie wanted a red one. Halina thought of buying a red furry jacket with black buttons that would reach just to her hips.

Jessie took a red dress with flowers layered on top which cost $1900. It seemed fine for her and she decided to take it.

Jessie : (holding the dress in front of Halina) pretty huh?

Halina : (turns to Jessie while she was checking jackets) oh yeah! real cute. buy it.

Jessie : yeah.. yeah i will ok! see you at the cash register.

Halina took the jacket out of the rack and looked for the price tag. $1500. 

(Halina speaking to herself) it's ok. payment time.

The both of them got what they wanted in Chanel and walked out.

Jessie : hey, what about we have a slumber party tonight? gossip time.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2014 ⏰

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