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"Are you excited?"

"Very..." Harry said sarcastically

"Don't be such a Debbie Downer Haz, I'm sure she or he'll be great!" Zayn said comforting him

"But what if I get matched up with a rapist or something?"

"Don't be an idiot Haz, if they don't think a rapist will fall in love with you, they won't match you guys up, that's how it works"

"Not everyone can get a perfect match like you Malik"

"Hey! Liam is mine, if you dare lay one fucking finger on him, I swear-"

"Calm your tits dude! I was just saying how you got a good match is all, no offence, Liam's not my type. I want more... I want more ass, I guess"

Zayn rolled his eyes, looking down at his burger, taking another bite. He sighed, looking out the window of the small diner and took a sip of his coke.

"Well, you have nothing to be afraid of Haz, slip ups almost never happen I promise you, you'll get a great girl or guy with, hopefully, a great ass"

"Thanks..." Harry muttered, crossing his arms and looking out the window.

"I'm not only scared about that though... I mean, it's against the rules to be with someone else, I don't think I could stand to be with only one person for like, the rest of my life..."

"Let's just wait and see, right? Tomorrow's your birthday, and hopefully, we'll see the girl or guy sooner or later, yeah?"

"I guess..." Harry muttered once again, taking one of the fries and dipping it into the ketchup and then popping it into his mouth, chewing obnoxiously.


"So, has Zayn told you any words of wisdom?" Liam asked, wrapping his arms around Zayn then looking at Harry. Harry shrugged in responce.

"I did, he just won't listen, he's thinking of the worst and expecting a rapist" Zayn sighed

"That's exactly how I thought though, but look where I am now..." Liam said, kissing Zayn's temple, causing Zayn to beam and blush.

"I'm sure you'll get someone good, don't worry Haz..." Zayn continued, patting Harry's leg, comforting him.

There was a moment of silence before Liam decided to speak up.

"Let's look through the rules, shall we?" Liam said, trying to break the awkward silence. Harry nodded slowly, getting the book out from under his desk. They were currently at Harry's house, trying to get him excited for the next day.

"Rule One... The tattoo will apear at precicely midnight on your 18th birthday... if no tattoo is seen, call 567-999-043 immediatly and we will do our best to help you.

 Rule Two... You must meet your match within 5 years of your eighteenth birthday and must exchangee 'I love yous' within 6 years of your eighteenth birthday

  Rule  Three... If you do not feel any connection with this person whatsoever within 6 months of meeting them, again call 567-999-043 and we will do our best to help

   Rule Four... Once 'I love yous' are exchanged, be sure to check that the tattoo has in fact gained colour, if not, it must meant that one or both of you did not mean the 'I love you'

   Rule Five... The match must be no more than four years younger or older than you, if they are, a slip up has happened, be sure to contact 567-999-043."

Liam read, he smiled, looking at Harry and stating

"You see Haz? Nothing to worry about... Now" He said, patting Harry's knee once, standing up "You must get your beauty sleep, your mom has set your alarm to 12 o-clock tonight, be sure to wake up and call this number if the tattoo does not show, got it?"

"Yep..." Harry said

"G'night Haz" Liam and Zayn sing-songed in sync.


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