♥ 2.0 ♥

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The annoying ring of his alarm clock signaled Harry that it was midnight and time to check his tattoo. He groggily reached over his bed to stop the alarm and sat up, rubbing his eyes. Harry sighed to himself, then suddenly remembered that he should have a tattoo by now. He jumped up quickly, standing in front of his full length mirror to inspect his body. It didn't take him that long to find the tattoo, it was a long arrow tattoo located on his right arm, near his hand. He looked at it more and smiled because, he liked it, he had expected a tiny ass tattoo of a rabbit or something, but no, he felt like this arrow tattoo had a sort of deeper meaning to it than just an arrow.

He jumped up and down like a school girl and ran to his bedside table, only to trip over his own feet because when he got excited, he was as clumsy as a butterfly without it's wings. He groaned, standing up and rubbing his head, reaching a second time for his bedside table. He got his phone, dialing Liam's number because he knew for a fact that he hated Zayn at midnight. After one or two rings, Liam picked up.

"Hello?" A sleepy Liam said, Harry just shrieked in responce.

"Harry? Are you okay mate? What's wrong?" Liam continued

"Nothing... it's just... I got my tattoo and I absolutely love it Lee!"

"You sound like those girls in our class swooning over Mr. Tomlinson Haz... But, oh my gosh! I've forgotten about that, I mean, it's probably just because I'm sleepy... But tell me what it is!"

"It's an arrow tattoo, on my right arm, I love love love it Lee! I just really hope I'll like the person I get matched up with..."

"Let's hope so..." Liam continued

"Leee" He heard a sleepy voice in the background "Come back to bed, I wanna cuddle!"

"Is that Zayn?"

Liam chuckled 

"Yeah... I have to go... But come to our place after school yeah?"

"Okay, goodnight Lee..."

Liam hung up, leaving Harry smiling like a fool and trying to get to sleep, but really, he can't because he's so damn excited about finding out who his partner is, but at the same time; so damn scared, he was near tears.



Harry groaned, he hated mornings, well, to be more specific, Monday mornings. Gemma wasn't helping at all, screaming about wanting to see a tattoo. Harry then ran out of bed, immediatly remembering and wanting to show his mom and sister.

"Gems! Come look!" Gemma came racing into his bedroom, their mom following close behind. Harry pulled his arm up proudly, showing Gemma and his mom the tattoo he had recieved earlier that night.

"I love it Haz!" Gemma said, poking it and touching it.

"It's wonderful honey, why don't you go take a shower, I've made some special breakfast waffles for you!" His mom said softly

"Thank you mom" Harry replied, smiling warmly then giving Anne a big hug "I love you" 

"I love you too Harry" She smiled back at him "Now, we don't want you to be stinky when you see the love of you life, now do we?"

"Mom, it's very unlikely that I will be meeting them today"

"I know honey, but, you can never be too prepared right? So, step into that shower and take your time, then, come downstairs and eat the waffles I spent my morning on"

Harry nodded, chuckling. Anne and Gemma exited Harry's room, leaving Harry smiling and thinking of who the 'love of his life' may be.


Harry threw on his black skinnies and 'Teenage Runaway' sweater grabbing his bag then running out of his bedroom, because, fuck, was he late.

He rushed down the stairs, kissing his mom's cheek and grabbing a waffle. He started munching on the waffle and sipped his yorkshire tea. Once done, he took his plate, washing it and kissing his mom's cheek once more, only to rush out of the door, driving to school.


"Shit" He cursed, barging into his first class, he was already fifteen minutes late. The whole class and the teacher; Mr. Tomlinson turned around to face him, causing Harry to blush. 

"Sorry sir" Harry mumbled, walking to a seat in the back, next to his best friend; Nick.

Mr. Tomlinson sighed loudly, rubbing his temples in frustration. The sleeve of his shirt pulled down a little to reveal the top of his tattoo; a fucking arrowShit Harry thought I hope I'm seeing things.

"It's okay Mr. Styles, just make sure this doesn't happen again, all right?" Harry nodded slowly

"Y-yeah okay" He stuttered


Harry knocked on the door to Mr. Tomlinson's room. It was after school and he had made a promise to himself to check for sure that Mr. Tomlinson had an arrow tattoo.

"Come in" Harry slipped into the room, closing the door behind him "Ahh, Mr. Styles, what do I owe the pleasure? It's the end of school, shouldn't you be partying it up, or whatever nonsense you do, with Mr. Grimshaw?" Mr. Tomlinson continued, taking off his glasses slowly.

'"I just n-needed to a-ask you a q-question Mr. T-tomlinson"


"Well, I got my tatttoo today"

"That's wonderful Mr. Styles! What did you get?"

"An arrow tattoo..." Harry mumbled, Louis' smile was replaced with a frown almost immediatly.

"M-may I see it?" It was Louis' turn to stutter.

Harry nodded, pulling his sweater up to reveal his arrow tattoo [A/N btw, Louis and Harry's tattoo both are in the same place as the tattoo on the side, and yes, it is Louis' real life tattoo if you were asking]


"W-what's wrong?"

Louis didn't reply, he just pulled up his sweater, revealing his tattoo, then looking down, not wanting to meet Harry's eyes.

"Well, we're fucked" 

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