Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

DINNER THAT NIGHT ended up being roast beef with potatoes and green beans. It was apparently Devin’s favorite dish and since he was in a home he was comfortable in, he felt that he needed some normality. It oddly brought me some sense of normality as well, but I didn’t say that out loud. Everything was so confused and jumbled in my head, it was hard to sort it all out - which resulted in most of my attention being focused on my thoughts and what all everything meant.

    “So,” Sophie began after a few minutes of silence, “how do we plan on getting Nathan back exactly?”

    I sighed, I knew this was coming sooner or later; I was just hoping it had been later. “I honestly don’t know, Soph-” I cut off, scrambling to correct myself quickly. “-Brandy, I don’t know. How do you save someone who is literally in the belly of the beast?”

    Sophie smirked at me. “Belly of the beast, eh? You obviously don’t know much about the Government,” she chuckled, setting her fork down on her plate and clearing her throat. “The place they’re holding Nathan is simply one of their lower bases, the main one that the leaders work out of is in the city that never sleeps itself, New York City.”

    “So, why bring him to the one in Syracuse?” I asked, setting my fork down as well. “It makes no sense. Why not drag your hostage all the way to the base that you know your enemy could never get into?”

    Sophie shrugged. “It would be too risky, I would think,” she answered, grabbing her glass of water and sipping from it. “There’s always that one chance that your enemy could be one step ahead of you, therefore your leader could be killed and everything you’ve worked so hard for could crumble away into dust.” She paused to flick her gaze over to me, amusement in her eyes. “Which would you rather be, safe or sorry?”

    I grimaced but sighed in agreement. “Yeah, I get where you’re coming from,” I murmured, staring down at my plate. The rest of the group seemed content on staying silent, listening to our conversation instead of joining in. I decided to change that. “You know, you guys will be helping in the rescue plan. Do you have any ideas on how we’re going to get Nathan back?”

    Gin cleared her throat timidly. “Well, there’s always the good ol’ attack from all sides,” she suggested, shrugging as if she wasn’t all that confident in the idea. “Actually, we don’t even know how many entrances and exits the place has...”

    Shoot. “You’re right,” I agreed, putting my head in my hands as I groaned. “Dang it! What point is there to plan out a rescue mission when you don’t even know how you’re going to get in and get out without being caught?”

    Caleb bumped me with his shoulder and gave me a reassuring smile, but it didn’t really help all that much. We had absolutely nothing to go by to help rescue my brother, which for all we knew, had been killed already. I sighed frustratedly and pushed away from the table, standing up quickly.

    “Where are you going?” Sophie asked, looking like she was about to use some sort of mother figure authority on me at any moment.

    I shook my head, not even having to force the yawn that came out of my mouth. “I need some sleep,” I told her, making my way to the dining room doorway. “I’ll think better if I’m not exhausted.”

    I made a beeline for the stairs, intending to head up to bed and sleep away the oncoming headache I could feel coming my way. Instead, when my eyes caught sight of the front door at the end of the hall, I decided on something else. I made my way down the hall and to the door, now intent on going for a walk. I needed sleep, of course, but maybe clearing my mind beforehand would help me as well.

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