Tagged by midnightings and hartistics
1. Idek
2. Maybe subconsciously but not that I'm aware of
3. Not something I'm gonna be able to answer for all eternity
yeet I'm at 4%5. Uhhhhhhhhhh getting good marks in school is a dream I will never achieve
6. Better than all the other nights
7. 10
8. sometimes
9. Biology :D
10. Somewhere over the rainbow
11. No.
12. Most definitely not
13. More than you could afford
14. weeeelllll...
15. yes
16. Nop
17. As many as I have on Tuesday
18. Answer 2.
19. Single forever :'D
20. Shawn Mendes so I could watch my friend freak out and then not allow her to touch him or interact with him :D
I don't have 15 friends
dunleejane Oceane_Breeze chijeucakeu carem3l_123 -wandere- catsclimbstiles- Jells_ Wandwitch -DARKORGINALS cosmictheorem GoddessCelestx- maskedst angelilees -ryevoid