Chapter 34 | Unshaken

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We crossed the broad river where it was most shallow. Despite my lack of sight, I could still feel the tension in the air amongst those of the tribe. Their torches roared in the early morning and their spears hit the ground with every new step they took. As we left the forest behind and the land opened up before us, it became easier for me to navigate. I followed the flickering torches through the dusk of dawn, and the large silver coin over our heads seemed to shine brighter than ever before. Then, there was the streak of burning morning light on the horizon. Soon, the moon would be traded for the sun, and the battle would begin.

I felt myself growing ever weaker, despite my burning cough that had turned mild thanks to Jiemba's concoction. Yet, I felt more afraid than ever before. Surrounded by darkness, there was nothing to distract me from the voices that called out to me.

"Soon, we shall meet...", a hoarse, echoing voice wheezed in vile excitement. It made a cold shiver run down my spine.

"There's no reason to be afraid...", a comforting voice whispered.

"Come home to us, Charlie...", this time, it was the hissing woman who spoke, her voice all too familiar. "We have waited for so long... We know you have, too."

I blinked, again and again. I felt tears pressing against the back of my eyes. This time of water and salt instead of seeping blood. Panic grew inside of me, like a dark cloud brewing into a storm.

"Jiemba?", I said with a thick voice, not sure if he could hear me.

"I'm here", he said in his calm tone, my ear registrering him to the left.

"Could you... Could you tell me about one of the stories that you've written? I would like to hear one", I said.

It took a while before he replied, as if he thought long and thoroughly about the story that he would tell.

"I suppose I could tell you about the one that I'm writing right now", he said.

"That's fine", I said and felt dry grass tickle my fingertips as I let my hands sweep through the air.

The crusade caused large clouds of dust to rise from the ground and up into the air. Jiemba had to clear his throat before he began to tell his story.

"Well, you see, the story begins below an eucalyptus tree. Its leaves and branches turned towards the sun and its roots reaching all the way to the edge of the world. It holds all knowledge and ancestry. The tree represents the spiritual journey of my main character", Jiemba said and paused dramatically, "a young boy, who I haven't given a name yet, who seeks to become a great warrior - just like his father. Yet, the boy is not of pure heart, but rather mischievous and deceiving. He thinks that all glory lies in brute force and not in the kind, simple acts performed by those humble.

So one day, he kills a man in cold blood. His father, who is an honorable and respected man, sends the boy to the tree of life. There, he shall be sentenced by the gods. He journeys to the tree where he waits for three days and three nights. And so, when the moon sits tall on the sky, Wuagyl breaks through the ground. The boy brags about his strength and vigour, without any remorse for his deeds. He seems to think that he will be rewarded for his bravery. Infuriated, the Rainbow serpent shuns him, and says "no true warrior of mine is a murderer. He who kills without reason is nothing but a fool".

The boy laughs, and says; "present me with any challenge, and you shall see that I will prevail!"

So Wuagyl grants his wish and puts him through a number of great ordeals. She lashes him with storms and sends hundreds of foes his way. Yet, just as the boy had said, he prevails. But Wuagyl is not pleased, for she demands justice for his crimes. And so, she decides to trick him. She sends him to the Thunder Mountain to walk the trail, because she knows that with an impure heart, he will never make it to the top..."

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