Chapter Five - Out of breathe

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Jennie sat in Trig her legs crossed, her pen cap sitting against her bottom lip. She ran it against her lips, closing them slowly to chew over the cap nervously. She couldn't believe she forgot to study yesterday, well she did but she didn't really get much done. Not after her and Lisa got up to some mischief last night.

She looked up through her lashes, Lisa was already looking at her. Her lip trapped between her teeth, her eyes boring into Jennie's pale skin. The brunette shifted under her gaze, something about the way Lisa's was looking at her made her stomach turn. And not in the bad way either. She couldn't ignore the subtle heat between her legs, and shifted again. She hated that she chose to wear a thong today, but it went well with her skirt and she wasn't passing up on wearing a skirt today.

Lisa placed her math book in her lap, trying to keep her bulge in the confides of her jeans. But the way Jennie was chewing on that pen cap, wasn't making it easy. She continued staring, until her professor cleared her throat, giving her a pointed look.

"Are you feeling alright Ms. Manoban?" Lisa's head snapped forward where she heard her name.

"Mmm?" she cleared her throat sitting up slightly pressing the book into her jeans. "Oh me uh.. Y-yeah I'm um. Can I use t-the bathroom?"

"You know I don't usually allow students to, but you're one of my best and I know you'll finish this quiz. Make it quick." Lisa shot out today her seat, grabbing her bag and holding it in front of herself. She cursed to herself once she saw that, Jennie bit her lip as soon as she stood.

Jennie sat patiently. Waiting for Lisa to arrive back, but she never did. So once her professor indicated class was over, Jennie quickly rushed out to the bathrooms. Well one in particular, one students barely use now. There she found old ratted doc martins, and the sound of heavy breathing.

"Lisa?." Jennie asked quietly.

"J-Jen?" Lisa muttered her voice sounding a bit off and a little raspier than before. "W-what are you doing.....h-here?"

"I came to check on you." Jennie giggled lightly. "What the hell are you doing in there? And why do you sound so out of breath?"

"I uh, I'm f-fine.. " Lisa breathed. "Shit."

"Are you sure?"

"Oh fuck." Lisa muttered, she leant her back against the cold stall wall. "I'm s-sure. J-just.. Dammit. Give me a c-couple of minutes okay?"

"Uh, sure.. " Jennie cleared her throat. "Do you uh, want me to wait-"

"Outside! Oh fuck. Please... " Lisa hummed me was so glad Jennie was oblivious to the fact that she was getting herself off at the moment. "J-Just wait o-outside."

So Jennie quickly turned around, not wanting to disrupt what ever Lisa was doing in that stall.

I'll do it - Jenlisa G!PWhere stories live. Discover now