Movie Set

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“Did I mention how much I love the peace in vanity vans?” I nudged as Sohail escorted me inside. He and Arbaaz were on the movie set for a special appearance, and I was here because I needed Arbaaz for two things. Maths and for Being Human documents.

“This must be the ninth time.” He said matter of fact-ly and I slapped his arm. Opening the fridge, I got some energy drink to keep me going. I was practically dead today thanks to my low numbers, intense gymnastics training and school.

“I’ll be back as soon as I can, and I promise to drag Arbaaz along.” He kissed me on the cheek and closed the doors. Snuggling on the bed I made myself comfortable and opened the Mac to proof read some documents before giving an ‘ok’. I was just on the eleventh page when someone came in with a camera.

“Mr. Sohail? They guided me here when I asked for his interview.” He showed me his press identity card and I nodded. It had to be one of those interviews the guys had for PR. Getting up, I adjusted my top and turned around to face him. His eyes grew wider when he actually saw who he was talking to. So he knew me- just what I needed.

“You’ll find him on the sets I think.” I pointed outside, not liking the way he was looking at me.

“Can I get one photo, please?” he asked, getting the cover off.

“No, I…” before I could complete my protest he clicked my picture and went to another side to get another click. Then he mumbled something in a local language assuming that I didn’t understand Marathi. What he basically said was I looked like I was here to bang someone.

“What the…get the hell out of here!” I yelled at him, but he just stood smirking at his camera. I realized my top’s shoulder was off, exposing the bra strap in a very vulgar manner, since it was already pretty low neck. My hair was a mess from work out and I was standing next to a bed. Shit.

“Delete those!” I tried to snatch the camera away, and I could see a security guy getting in, probably hearing me yelling. I almost reached the camera, but he shoved me away and I almost landed on my ass. Stabilizing myself, I cried at him even louder to give me the camera he was holding. I would hate to have another controversy, especially anything this cheap.

“Hey, get away and give us the camera.” Ruth came in as the guard held the paparazzo in his grip. The man didn’t give it, but it wasn’t difficult for Sean to snatch it away and have a look at the pictures.

“Delete all.” He gave me a small smile and I nodded appreciating his work. They would just hand the man over to the cops and they’d drill some sense into his head. That wasn’t even the worst part.

I grabbed my bag and went to the car. I was taking Leo had no idea what had just happened since he was just talking to Arbaaz’s driver.

“Please take me home.” I poked at Leo and he shrugged. Maybe he thought my work here was done, and got into the car. Driving outside the gates of the studio, we took almost an hour to reach home. Getting down, I ran to my room and closed my door close. Stripping in the bathroom, I went into the bathtub and let the water soak in.

“Lizzie?” I heard a knock on the door. I knew it was Arbaaz, but I chose not to reply.

“You in there?” he asked again and I sighed,


“Alright, take your time. Meet me in the office when you’re ready.” I heard him leaving and closing the door to my room. Getting out in a few minutes, I wrapped a towel around me and went into the closet to pick up something to wear. Just wearing boxers, and my torso still in towel, I went into Salman’s room and picked up one of his old shirts.

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