Chapter 8

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Tony (Somewhere Above The Atlantic Ocean)-

"Jarvis, how far are we from the estimated area?" Tony asked his A.I. Jarvis. He was flying above the Atlantic ocean in his modified Iron Man armor.

"About five miles more, sir." Jarvis replied.

"Are you sure there is something there, Jarvis? There is nothing on those coordinates. Even S.H.I.E.L.D. satellites couldn't find anything there."

"I don't know, sir. Modern maps don't show anything on those coordinates Lady Zartra gave, but some much older maps show a cluster of islands on that location. There's also some sailors who've passed from there seen an island appearing out of thin air and disappearing in a moment."

"The only way to find out is to go there myself. Is there anything from the drones that were sent ahead?"

"Nothing yet, sir."

'Ughh... I have a bad feeling about this.' Tony thought.

"Sir, one of the drones sent ahead suddenly disappeared, there is no signal coming from it. Contact was lost about two miles southeast." Tony changed directions and headed towards the direction Jarvis said.

When he reached the location he saw nothing. He didn't stop and kept going forward. Suddenly the view in front of him changed. He stopped and hovered in one place.

"Jarvis, you seeing this?" He asked. His eyes wide open with surprise behind his helmet. He had expected vast empty ocean, but now in front of him were many small islands. "Did we somehow come to Hawaii?"

"No sir, I don't think so. Your GPS location hasn't changed. You are still in the middle of Atlantic ocean. And on the same coordinates given by Lady Zartra." Jarvis answered.

"Is this some kind of cloaking barrier?"

"It looks like, sir. I have gathered as much data on it as possible. It can be used to create that new stealth armor you wanted to make." Jarvis said. Suddenly on the holographic screen in his helmet showed some red dots near one island. "There are some people on that island, sir."

Tony sped towards it. As he got close Jarvis gave a warning, "sir, there is movement below the surface. I'm unable to scan it, but it seems to be quite large and moving."

Suddenly a massive metallic shark as big as the 'Chitauri Leviathan' jumped out of the water, did a flip and dived back.

"What the...!" Were the only words came out of his mouth. Because a moment later another shark jumped and snapped its jaw at Tony. It jumped 20 meters in the sky. Tony dodged it.

Before it could dive back, something red glowed beneath it. Suddenly a red ray of light broke the surface, its aim was Tony. He dodged the laser attack as well.

"There seems to be two sharks here, sir."

Tony shot repulsor beams from his hands at the shark that was below the surface. The beams hit on its head, but there was no effect, they just dissipated. He then flew towards the beach he saw before.

There he saw a teenage boy standing in the water holding a Golden Trident. He was wearing green sleeveless shirt and blue jeans.

"Andromeda! Argos! What in the Hades are you doing? Stop right there!" He yelled at the sea. Then he noticed Tony coming at him. He waved and yelled again, "don't attack him, he's a friend!"

Tony glanced back and saw the raging water had calmed down. He landed beside Percy and revealed his face. "So, would you like to explain, what just happened?"

"Iron Man! I didn't know you were coming. They're the Megalodons my dad left behind, Andromeda and Argos." Tony looked at the sea again and saw two giant fins sprouted on the surface.

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