Tradley- Who are you?

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This is a continuation from the previous chapter. It will focus more on Tradley.

Bradley's POV

I stormed out of James's house and ran to my car. Tears were streaming down my face, but I had to get a grip. I didn't want to cause an accident because of my shaken up state.

I harshly wiped away the tears that were streaming down my face and turned on the engine.

I drove home pretty quickly. When I got there I tried my hardest to be quiet because I couldn't talk to anyone at the moment. I needed to figure out my emotions by myself.

Once I got into my room, I locked the door and slid down to the floor. I tried to suppress my sobs but it was no use. I was hurt. I mean I know Con can't help it and he forgets everything, but I had hope. I know that I'm not his boyfriend like James and that it shouldn't affect me this much, but he was my best friend. I needed him back in my life. He was the one that kept me sane before the accident. I have been spiraling down for quite a while and he was the one that always picked me up. Now I have no one I can talk to. James is occupied with Con, Con can't help me now and Tris... well, he doesn't even know how bad I have been. He should never know.

I felt awful. I want Con to be healthy so bad and I want everything to go back to normal. I want to tour. It may sound selfish, I know, because he's sick and I'm thinking about the things I'm missing. But... I do miss it all. It's like a part of me disappeared when Con lost his memories.

Suddenly my phone began ringing and it scared the shit out of me. I looked at the caller ID and read Trissy. I sighed. I really didn't want to talk to him right now. I was too lost to talk to him. The call was declined after I didn't pick it up. That didn't stop him. He called me a dozen more times until I decided to pick up

'Bradley! Why weren't you picking up?! I was worried that something has happened to you' he yelled once I picked up

'Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you' I said, trying to not let my voice break

'What's wrong?' He asked immediately

'Noting. I...I ummm... I was sleeping that's all' I stuttered out uneasily

'You're lying to me...' he said in disbelief as if to himself

'I'm not Tris...' I said uneasily

'You are... things must be bad' he muttered

'Tris I'm fine' I said tightly

'So what Con said was true after all. James tried to wave him off, but he was telling the truth. You were sad when you left. By the way thanks for not saying goodbye' he said a bit angrily

'Tris I am not sad. Okay maybe a little, but it's because of Con. He forgot who I am and hit me, yet his memory is getting better from the looks of it. I'm just confused and I don't want to get my hopes up. I'm sad that James is in this tough situation and we can't help him. I miss my best friend, both of them... I could always count of Con. I can't count how many times he has saved my ass. I could always confide in him. He kept me sane and now... I'm alone' I mumbled on, but only when I said it I realized how this might hurt Tris

Silence on the other line told me as much

'I'm sorry I'm not Con! Too bad you have no one else to confide in! Oh wait you fucking do! Me! I'm always here for you dumbass! I see now how important I am to you! Thanks' screamed Tris on the other end

'That's not what I meant... some things I just can't tell you...' I said quietly

That got him to shut up

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