Tradley- You should be sad

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In this story Millie is older than Tris and studies in a different city than the rest of the crew is currently living at.

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Bradley's POV

I fancied Tris for so long now. I saw him standing there and my breath hitched. I then met James, Kirstie, Lucy and Con. We made a good crew and we got to know each other quite well over the years.

I knew Tris had a boyfriend, but I never actually saw him. I, off course, stalked all their social media and he was so gorgeous, but I never met him in person.

Tris and I have been quite handsy and flirting whenever we got drunk. We were so comfortable with each other and I guess the alcohol took our shyness away.

Tonight we were going out though. I drove earlier to Lucy's house since I was staying over and we waited together for everyone to arrive. Tris arrived last with Millie, since Tris had work and Millie got into town a bit later than she expected. We drank at the house for a bit and we all caught up.

The moment Tris came and drank a bit, he became really flirty. He was mocking me, teasing me and winking every now and then. I felt my cheeks burning when I caught him looking at me. He made my heart flutter.

We were slowly getting ready to go out. As we waited he stood behind me, while I was still sitting. He discreetly placed a hand on my back and was touching me gently, making me shiver. I looked up at him and he was smiling at me.

I loved getting drunk with him. He talked a lot more when he was drunk.

In the end, we managed to go out of the house and we made our way to the tram. Funny, as we walked almost immediately there were groups. Kirstie, James and Lucy. Con and Millie. Tris and I.

We had a bottle of coke and whiskey (mixed) and we drank as we walked and flirted shamelessly. We talked about so much stuff and we were both smiling widely.

The whole group came to a stop and we talked a bit, in a circle. Funny childhood stories and all that.

We then went to a karaoke bar, but it was too crowded so we left quickly.

There is this Neon alley that we wanted to show Millie since she didn't come to the city often, she studied somewhere else but decided to visit Tris this weekend.

We went there and once again the same groups formed. I was back to being alone and talking to him. We were talking when he suddenly put his finger on my nose and bopped it fondly. He was such a weirdo. We laughed and we were in our own little bubble.

We then walked on, looking for a new place to show her.

We ended up by a fountain and we stood there. I really wanted to just sit down because I was tired but everyone was yelling at me and helping me get up. I wasn't that drunk, we have just been walking around for hours and I was tired.

Millie decided that she wanted to get a picture with a statue so she climbed up and posed happily.

Tris and I thought that we were going to go somewhere else when she climbed down, so we started walking ahead. We realized soon that they weren't going, so we stopped and just talked.

He then stopped talking and was looking into my eyes intently. I looked at him a bit, but I was overwhelmed so I looked away. When I looked back at him, he was still looking at me intently, walking closer to me. I tried walking away a bit, looking away, everything, but he was so close and he wasn't giving up.

Suddenly Millie ran up to us and said

'Don't flirt with Bradley'

'I'm not' he said as he looked at me intently as she left

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