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??? 's POV

I walked to a boy. "Hey!"

The boy turned around. "Who are you?"

I smirked, "Yah! You forgot?"

The boy scratched his head, "Ermm..."

Anger boiled in me, why does no one remember me?!! Why does no one put me in their lives?!

I grabbed the boy's arm and said, "You bastard!"

I took out a penknife and stabbed his arm, I dragged it down and he shouted in pain. I lift up the penknife and laughed. "I bet you will lose your whole arm!"

I rised my penknife again but the boy fainted. I took out a napkin and wipped off the blood from the knife. I put it back in my pocket.

I left him...

Y/N, your turn!

End of ???'s POV

Back to Y/N's POV

"Erm, Taehyung, this is... Not neccessary?"

I looked at the two bodyguards behind me. "I just want to water the garden outside?!"

Taehyung smiled, "Water then."

I furrowed my brows, "Uh...huh.."

I went out of the house and the two big guards tailed behind. I smiled to myself, so he does care.

I watered the plants and I told the bodyguards, "Hey, you guys go back in, I am safe here."

They did not budge. "Aiish!"

I went back in the house. What is wrong with Taehyung?

I went to the kitchen and took out oreos.

"Hungry?" I heard Taehyung from behind.

I sighed, "Yes! I am really hungry!"

Taehyung replied, "Why didn't you tell me?"

I stumbled, "Y-You mean you want me to tell you everything?"

He said, "Yes. Y/N, come."

He pulled me to the dining room. He made me sit down and he clapped his hands twice. The servants came quickly. I was shocked.

The servants asked, "Yes boss?"

Taehyung said, "Make us dishes."

How would they know what dish to make? Hmm...

They hurried off.

After a while, they came back, with a lot of food.

"Woww! So much delicious looking food!!" I gasped.

He chuckled, "Seriously?"

I nod. I digged in.

He said, "Woah woah, slow down, you don't wanna choke."

I slowed down. I swallowed my food and looked back at Taehyung, "Taehyung, why are you so nice to me?"

He furrowed his brows, "You don't want me to?"

"No! No! I like this side of you a lot. I-"

"Shh, just eat."

I obeyed him. I ate quietly this time. The air was tense. I could feel it-

"Mr Park! Wait!"

I heard the guard voice. I turned around and Jimin smiled at me. I smiled back, "Jimin hyung! "

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