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We laughed and chatted. I felt lucky and grateful for a second.

It was late and we went home. I went into my room and wondered for a while. I ran to Taehyung.


I looked around in his room and then I heard his voice behind me. "Y/N?"

I turned around. "Ermm, I know its been great and all, I just want to ask you something."

Taehyung shrugged, "Ask away."

"What happened to Mina and Yoona?"

Taehyung sighed, "I will say about Yoona first then. "

I nod. .

"Yoona is gone. I made sure she went to another country and never comimg back for now. I gave her a sum of momey, I don't want her to ruin us."

I was shocked., "Aww!"

Taehyung has a faint smile, "As for Mina..."

I bit my lips...

He continued, "She shot herself."

"What?" It felt like my hopes shattered. I tried so hard to make her do the right thing... Yet-

Taehyung said, "Y/N, don't blame yourself, she chose her path. I will bring you to mourn her death tomorrow."

Tears escaped from my eyes, "Why did she choose this path?! "

He hugged me, "Shhh, its all fine now."

Taehyung was like a comfort to me, he protects me and love me. I felt safe in his hands.

Taehyung suddenly groaned. I pulled away. "Taehyung?"

He then pressed on his left shoulder. He started sweating a lot. I touched his hands, "Taehyung?! What happened?!"

His eyes suddenly shut and his body leaned on me. I held him tightly, "Taehyung! Wake up!"

I quickly put him on the bed and I called Jimin.

"Jimin! Taehyung fainted!" I panicked.

Jimin asked, "Did he tell you he has a deep wound on his left shoulder, Mina's guards shot him."

"What?!" I dropped my phone. I quickly dashed to find a towel. I filled the bowl with water.

I went to Taehyung and wiped his sweat. "Taehyung... Why didn't you tell me you were injured! "

I removed his shirt and saw that the bandage was already leaking blood. I was worried.

I removed the bandage and went to get a new one. I patted on the blood. Luckily, in my high school, I was taught basic wound treating skills.

I put some medicine I found on him. He groaned and I said, "Taehyung, don't worry."

After I cleaned his wound, I helped him put on his shirt. I put at wet towel on his forehead and he drifted off to sleep.

I sighed...

I was really tired from this and decided to take a sleep while sitting by his side. I couldn't sleep on the bed since he took a lot of space. I rested beside him...

End of Y/N's POV

Taehyung's POV

My eyes opened slowly. I realised what happened... She figured it out.. I look to my right, hoping slept beside me...

But she was sitting up right leaning against the bed wall. "Aish... What a silly girl."

I layed her down and tuck in s blanket for her. I stroke her hair and see her tired out face... She spent the whole night taking care of me?

I smiled. I kissed her hand lightly and got up. I decided to make breakfast when I heard her voice.

"Taehyung, don't do anything, get some rest. "

I turned back to her, her eyes were open. She smiled at me. I then decided to call in the maids to help make breakfast.

I laid down beside Y/N and she tugged in my arms. She looked so adorable while sleeping. I said, "Im sorry I worried you."

She smiled, "Its fine. Next time, tell me if you have anything."

I hugged her and kissed her forehead. She snuggled up and said, "Taehyung... I love you."

I smiled even more, "Thats what I wanted to hear from you... I love you."

Y/N hugged me back and kissed my lips. I reacted and she said, "Im hungry."

I nod, "Lets go eat then."

She smiled back.

End of Y/N's POV

We ate spagatti and I was full. I stretched and then I had a sudden realisation...

"Taehyung, since, we love each other... Are we a couple?" I asked nervously.

He smiled, "What do you think?"

"Really? We are official?" my eyes widened.

He said, "Silly girl, of course!"

He stood up and so did I. He hugged me from behind and kissed my ear. "Mmm."

I chuckled, "Taehyung... "

He stopped and turned me around. He got closer to me and I stared into his eyes. He asked for consent and I gave it to him. He kissed my lips and never pulled away. I reacted and he put his hands on my waist.

I put my hands on his chest and he kept leaning closer to me. My body arched a little and I wrapped my arms on around his neck.

He pulled away, leaving me a little frustrated. "Y/N, do you want me to stop?"

I bit my lips... He let go of me and said, "Hey, remember that time when you ran away in our wedding?"

Oh snap... I nervously laughed, "Uhh... Im so sorry about that... That time you were so forceful and emm..."

Taehyung sighed, "I was so bad .... But now, I hope you forgive me. Im sorry."

He held onto my hand. I chuckled, "You gotta do more than that!"

He smiled, "I promise I will give you the world."

After a while

Taehyung said, "Y/N, I want to take you somewhere beautiful, I already bought clothes for you. Be ready by six evening. "

I nod happily. "Okay!"


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