I Need You

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I need a shoulder to cry on
I need much time to find my mind
I need to see the world
I need to my smiling back
I need my own thought

I need my space to walk alone
I need my tear to stop on
I need a hug tight to calm my mind
I need you to talk beside me
I need you to see how I'm broken

I need to find my master of happiness
I need a lot of time to solve my mind
I need my hand to hold your hand together
I need a shoulder too scary of a word
I need your thought to say "I Love You"

I need so many eyes to cry on
I need your lips to kiss my moon
I need your hand to hold me back
I need to sleep long hours to break my mind
I need my feet to walk with you

I need your time to see my message
I need to break my schedule of work time
I need you to rest in my life
I need your word to correction my thought

Why I always thinking of you
Why your face always twinkle in my mind
Why you don't message me
Why you don't understand my feeling

Why love is blind
Why love is hurt
Why love is cruel
Why your love not mind

Why your action only little
Why your temper always high
I need a shoulder to cry on

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