Part 1

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The cold wind were like knife piercing through fragile skin and into the flesh, Adeline was whimpering she felt as though thousand needles were poking every part of her body. She felt what her body was going though but she had no control of it, she was behind a screen strap in a chair. Adeline felt trap but she felt even more terrified, wondering why she was running and the fear that made her heart pound as though it was a animal trying to break free. Then is was like a inflated balloon until it pop, she was now crying and sobbing, her tears were pouring down her face and it seem it wasn't going to stop any time soon. That made her vision become a blur and barley could see anything, her body was giving out but it didn't stop running.

She was pacing in a large hallway, the sound from rotten floor was creaking below Adeline's feet. She could smell the blood that was dripping from the wall, it made her want to get away from this place but she didn't know where she was or where she was going. If she could she would a break a window but it seem to be infested by flying bugs that were thrash against the glass. It was dark but there was torches hanging on the bloody walls giving her light but not enough, she getting dizzying. She was running out of breath, her breathing seem to intensified and become more heavier by the second.

Her throat was dried making her cough, she heard the flying bug that was against the window attacking the glass more violently. She look at the windows, and saw that there were cracks, that glass won't much longer. Then the glass broke and the bugs were now swarming the large hallway and broken pieces of glass were spread on the rotten ground. Adeline was in completely horror and her body was running even faster. Not only that but the temperature of the area drop, and her feet were pressing on the broken glass. It was stabbing her, clawing her feet and the disgusting creature would hit making her flinch. Not only that but she could hear a high pitch scream from every where, it was coming from the flying creatures, they were screaming as though they were in pain.

Behind her she could hear steps, for some reason she suddenly wanted to get away from the thing that was behind her. But her body felt heavy as though she was carrying a sack of bricks. Adeline was having trouble breathing, she felt dread within her and feeling hopelessness. The footstep were coming closer to her and everything about her was in alert. Her mind, her body and her instincts were all telling her to get away.

She was screaming but she couldn't her the noise coming from her mouth and something was in her throat. Something inside was coming out of her, she then felt her mouth open and black liquid not blood but black liquid was pouring from her mouth. She fell down her body finally giving out, she crash against the rotten floor. She was in pain, her tears was like a waterfall, it didn't stop pouring. The black liquid was still coming out of her, she couldn't feel her legs anymore. She tried to drag herself forward with her arms, but they were shaking uncontrollably. The thing was right behind, it was now standing still watching Adeline as she was trying to get away. Adeline tried to stand up but the thing attack her making her scream.

Adeline woke up screaming, she look around her room shaken from her dream. She saw her tank top cover in the black liquid, she felt more of it clogged on her throat. She ran to her bathroom and kneel in front of her toilet. She threw it all up in her toilet, she was gagging and felt as though she was throwing her intestines. When she was finally done throwing up, she felt sick and disgusted. She stood and look up at the mirror and was completely terrified of the sight that was in front of her. The black liquid was all over her and her mouth was black. Her feet felt sore and she was in pain, she look down at the ground and saw that there was bloody footprints on her floor. Her feet had glass sticking out of her flesh. She look back up at the mirror and her face was puffy and red from the tears.

She was so overwhelm from so many emotion she wanted to crawl in to a ball and cry but she hold it all in. Adeline undress herself and got inside her shower, she turn the hot and cold for the water and sat down. She felt the warm water dripping from her body, as she tried to get the glass out of her skin. She was exhausted from what just happen to her. She sat there staring at nothing until she heard a knock. "Adeline, sweetheart Breakfast is ready." Her adopted mother say.

She snap out if her trance and answer her."Okay, Let me just get ready." Adeline respond. She heard her mother footsteps meaning she was leaving. Adeline got out of shower and and got ready for school.


Adeline walk down the stair after cleaning the bloody footprints and getting ready. Her mood became even more sour when she finally realize there is school, her breakfast pancakes with bacon that her mother serve didn't even lift her mood. Food was something she enjoy in a daily basis. Eating. She was eating very slowly, she still felt very sick and disgusted but was rush by her mother which made her grunt in annoyance.

The drive to school was very interesting one, Adeline look out the widows and it look very cloudy but what caught her interest she saw a little girl in the middle of the road. The girl was staring at her, she had black eyes and sickly pale skin. Adeline wonder who this little girl is, but she didn't anything to her mother who was driving. She look at the girl's appearance and saw that the girl was dress in a blue dress, she black shoes with long sock that came up to her knee. Her hair was in pigtails and saw that the girl's curls were bouncing, that when Adeline notice that the girl was jumping in joy. She had a smile like she knew something that Adeline didn't, not want to look at the creepy girl anymore she look away.


So I really don't what to say right now, I'm just glad I didn't get any nightmare from writing this unlike the other days. I just hope you enjoy this or at least got interest in reading this book.  Bye.


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