Broken Back // Zach

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Thanks for the request @Allison__2

Word Count: 1495

I'm actually really pleased with how this one turned out. Remember, to please like, vote, comment, but most importantly enjoy. :)

PS, I also write Dolan Twin fanfics, so I would really appreciate some prompts.


" Wake up!", Jonah screams through out the whole house. All the boys wake up from their deep sleep, and rub there eyes. "What do you  want?", Zach yells back. "I need my beauty sleep", Corbyn says. "Get up and meet me in the living room", he says. So they do. Everyone drags themselves out of bed, slips some clothes on and heads downstairs. Once their all seated, Jonah begins to talk. "Ok. It's Saturday. We have no meetings, no interviews, no nothing. What should we do?", Jonah says. The boys perk up a bit hearing this. "Well I can't stay in this house another day. We're going out", Jack says. Everyone nods in agreement. "What if we go to Tempest", Corbyn says. He immediately regrets saying it. Corbyn's relieved when he hears Zach laugh. "You really want me to tear my ACL again", he says. Everyone else laughs to. "Oh!", Jack says. "I saw this skating rink that opened a few weeks ago, driving home yesterday. What if we go there", he says. Everyone looks at each other and nods in agreement once again. "Well it's settled. Be ready in an hour", Jonah says. The boys run upstairs to their rooms, and get dressed for the day ahead.


An hour later, everyone's ready for roller skating. They're all super hyped to. Jonah gets on his phone and orders an Uber, while everybody gathers their stuff. As the Uber arrives, everyone checks again to make sure they have everything. "Let's go!", Zach says enthusiastically. They all head out the door into the Uber, and make their way to the skating rink. Or, another place where Zach would get injured.


They arrive at the roller skating rink in just a few minutes. All the boys jump out of the car and head inside of the building. "Thanks", Jonah says before shutting his door. Jack leads them inside of the small building. "5 please", Jonah says. "Adult or child?", the employee asks. "Children are 17 and younger", he explains. "4 adults and 1 child please", Jonah says. Everyone smiles and looks at Zach. He rolls his eyes in response. "I get it. I'm a child. Can we just go skate now", he says. "Yeah let's go!", Daniel says excitingly. The boys grab some rental skates, and step on to the rink.


It's been about 15 minutes since they had stepped onto the rink. Corbyn had skated many times before. He could even skate backwards. Daniel, Jack, and Jonah were off the wall, but we're rather stepping then skating. And Zach. Well, Zach was on the wall. He basically refused to get off the railing. It was like he was stuck to it. Corbyn skated over to Zach. "You need help there little boy?", he says as a joke. "No I don't. And just because I'm 17, doesn't mean I'm a stupid kid", Zach says. "Tell the employee that then", he says. "Shut up! I'm not a baby. Look I'll even skate without the railing", Zach says. Corbyn's face becomes concerned. "It's not easy. You sure?", Corbyn asks. "Yes! Quit being a hover parent", he responds. Corbyn just laughs. Just then, Dani, Jonah and Jack pass by. "Wait, guys. Let's wait for Zach", Corbyn says. Everybody laughs, except Zach. I'll prove them wrong, he thinks to himself. Zach lets go of the railing and goes full speed. "I'm doing it", he yells. "Good job", Corbyn responds. "Now stop before you hit someone", he adds. Zach's face freezes. "How do I stop!", he yells, even though he knows it's too late. Zach can't stop. He can't even slow down. So he excepts his fate. A painful one at that. At full speed, he collided with the wall, falling onto his back. But he didn't just fall. He fell hard. Hard enough to put his back in agonizing pain. Zach wanted to call out but couldn't. He couldn't breathe, let alone talk. His back was on fire, and he couldn't do anything but lay there.

Corbyn's POV

"Now stop before you hit someone", I yell. All the other boys start laughing, and I keep watching Zach. But he's not stopping. He's not even slowing down, so I start to worry. "How do I stop?", I hear him yell. My eyes widen. All the other boys stop laughing, as they look over at Zach. I begin to skate over there. Then I see him crash into the wall, and my heart drops. "Oh my god. Is he okay?", Jonah asks. I skate even faster. When I get to him, he doesn't look good. He's not saying anything. Zach's just groaning, and breathing hard. "Are you okay bud. Did you get the wind knocked out of you?", I ask. He doesn't respond. "My back", he says. Eventually everyone else had made their way over. "Can you breathe?", I ask. He groans again and takes in another deep breath. "Is he okay?", Jonah asks again. "He says it's his back. He can't catch his breath either. I think we need an ambulance", I respond. "I think it's broken. It's hard to breathe", Zach says in a whisper before sobbing. I get on the phone with 911, telling them our location, and telling them to get here as soon as possible. I felt horrible for what happened. Was it all my fault?


3rd Person Point of View

The ambulance arrived within 10 minutes. Those 10 minute felt like eternity though. Especially for Zach. He couldn't help sobbing. It was hard to breathe, and his back was in constant agony. It hurt to breathe, or talk, or move. "It's going to be okay. I know its hard but breathe", Jonah tells Zach. Of course he tries but it's hard. The paramedics move everyone off of the rink, and run over with a stretcher. They put a neck brace on Zach, which makes him scream from the sudden movement. "Can you tell me your name?", the paramedic asks Zach. "Z-Zach", he replies. "Ok that's good. Does it hurt to talk?", he asks. "Yah", he says quickly. They lift Zach onto the stretcher, which makes him sob even more. Jonah grabs Zach's hand, and squeezes it for reassurance. "Jonah you go in the ambulance. We'll get an Uber", Jack declares. Jonah nods, then turns his attention back to Zach. "What's your name young man", the paramedic asks looking at Jonah. "Jonah", he replies. "Ok. Zach, when I ask you a question, squeeze Jonah's hand once for yes, twice for no. You got that?", he asks. Zach squeezes Jonah's hand once. They strap Zach down so he won't fall off the stretcher. "Can you feel your legs?", the paramedic asks. Zach squeezes Jonah's hand once. "Thank god", Jonah says. "Ok. Do you feel like you may lose consciousness, Zach?", the paramedic says. Zach squeezes Jonah's hand once. "Do you feel nauseous?", he asks. Zach squeezes his hand twice. He is in so much pain, that he can't stop to think about it he's nauseous or not. As the ambulance drives away, every bit of turbulence, feels like a small stab into Zach's back. He can't handle it. "You're doing great Zach", Jonah says to the sobbing boy. But Zach doesn't hear it. The pain overtakes him. His body stops fighting. And Zach slips out of consciousness.


Zach's POV

The faint sound of a beep causes my eyes to squint open. I know that sound, it's familiar. Then I realize it's a heart monitor. I'm in a hospital. The first thing I see is Jonah sitting next to me, staring at the monitor as if it was his job. My back hurts, but not as bad as I remember it hurting before. My vision is blurry, and I can't move my head since I'm in a neck brace. Jonah notices that my eyes are open, and rushes over to my side. "If you feel drowsy, it's because you're on a ton of pain killers", Jonah says. I try to talk, but it still hurts to. "It probably hurts to talk and breathe, but their gonna give you some more meds. They just had to wait until you were conscious. "It turns out you broke your back. They said you'll probably be in a wheelchair for about a month. But you weren't paralyzed! That's good I guess", Jonah tells me. I smile at him, then Jonah takes my hand in his. "Are you in pain?", he asks. I squeeze once. "Is it bad?", he asks. I squeeze twice. It really isn't that bad. Sure my back hurts, but it feels the same when I sleep wrong. "Dani said they'll be here in 5", Jonah told me.


5 minutes later they did show up. Jack gives Zach a small cautious hug, not wanting to hurt him. "You didn't hurt your ACL, but you did hurt something", Corbyn says. Zach smiles, but doesn't laugh. He's just super happy that he's okay.

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