chapter two

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         The day I arrived at the orphanage Miss. Moore was awaiting my presence once again. As, I got out of the car she greeted me with a smile which I have seen countless times. “Ahh, Miss Yuki I have been waiting for ye”. Her accent I will never forget and I have never asked where her birthplace was. As so curiosity killed the cat so I shall not ask. As I went up into the room with Miss Moore closely behind me carrying my suitcase while I carried my doll up against my chest tightly gripping her. Nothing has changed as I scanned the room, but I do notice most of the beds are empty including Violets bed. Miss Moore looks at me with a sweet and caring smile and she said “aye you lookin’ at Miss Violets bed?” I answer with a quiet yes. She had said Violet has been adopted by a kind and creative family.

       You see, Violet was turned down my many nice people because of her medical condition called ADHD it means she’s hyper and cannot focus well. We have been best friends ever since I got there.

        As I start to unpack my belongings I slowly begin to notice everything has changed, we have new beds and windows also many different children. I quietly make my way up the hidden spiral staircase that only I and Miss Moore know about. I clutch my doll and my parent’s picture in my hands as I slowly begin to cry remembering the great memories we had before they died for me their only daughter Yuki.

       I go to the window and weep for the longest time before Miss Moore calls my name. I dry my tears and walk down the stairs into the dining room of the large house. She introduces me to the other children; I am the third eldest of them. Then, I place my plate in the sink and make my way up the croaking stairs into the room. It is already time for bed in the orphanage. I put on my snow white night gown which I’ve had for too many years to remember where I got it from. I lie down in the soft bed and close my eyes safely for another night, recalling the memories of anguish and sorrow.


I hear the clock strike two, as it slowly starts waking me up. I hear something creeping down the hallway. I think to myself “please do not be IT I just got here please. PLEASE DO NOT LET IT BE IT!!!!” I listen carefully and quietly to the sounds of the footsteps creeping down the hall way. The thing makes its way to the door and lingers there for a little bit, meanwhile I sit up in my bed awaiting its arrival in the room. A few mere seconds later the mysterious thing disappears. After laying there for a few minutes I quickly fall back asleep, as if nothing has just happened.   

       I wake up at eleven o’clock in the morning, thinking to myself “what was that last night? Where did it go? Did I make it go away? What did it want?” So many unanswered questions running through my mind. I also think to myself “should I tell Miss Moore? What if I do, will she be scared?” I sit there for a minute and think about it and decide to not tell anyone. I soon get out of bed and go down the wooden stairs into the kitchen. I just find Miss Moore at the table doing some work she looks up at me and says “aye Yuki ya sleep well?” and she chuckles. I’m hesitant to tell her what exactly happened last night. But I soon decide to finally tell her. After I tell her and she processes it she says “well Yuki I knew this would happen sooner or later. I’m just scared what will happen now”

“what do you mean Miss Moore?” I ask frightened

“well, Yuki IT hasn’t found ye yet but that still doesn’t mean you’re safe. ye are still very much in danger; we need to cleanse the house as soon as possible”

“why cleanse and what do you mean I’m not safe?”

“Miss Yuki ye need to understand there are more people or things than just IT out to get you I don’t mean ye no harm or to be scared but ye need to start looking out for ye-self”

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