Chap 1

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:Slight blood warning and slight rape mention:

Tsuyu breathes in the cool fall air.
She is walking next to her girlfriend with their hands intertwined. The leaves have just turned orange and the sky is a pleasant reddish pink. There is a breeze that is making her girlfriends short floral dress flow a tad bit.
Kirishima and Bakugou are both behind the girls, they had insisted that they come along to this fight, it wasn't a full out rumble only the girls were going to be throwing the punches.
     apparently toga has stabbed one of some guys buddies in the leg after he attempted to rob her. Tsuyu was honestly a little proud even though she gave toga a thorough talking to after.
Tsuyu didn't like fights, not one bit. Maybe sure she was pretty good when it came to fighting skillfully but when it came to brute strength Tsuyu was lacking. She always kept a heater on her because of this, she knew she was pretty, she was proud of it, and she wasn't dumb. She knew guys would try to take advantage of her. That's how she met toga after all. Tsuyu shivered and toga gave her a firm squeeze on her hand.
They kept walking for a couple more minutes until they made it to the abandoned parking lot. There was two boys, one had bleached hair and he had a limp . The other boy had greenish hair with a bunch of rings on his hands. He reeled of booze. "Hey. Why are there four of you greases?" He said in a assertive voice, he also sounded slightly irritated. Tsuyu spoke with a cool air in her voice "couldn't get these two to not come along,sorry bub" she said pointing to Bakugou and Kirishima. She shrugged and let go of togas hand "as for the girl she's the one you wanted to fight right?" Tsuyu said." Yeah, you gonna take 'er place or somthin? She too weak to fight me?" He said with a smirk, toga growled and started stepping towards the boy. Tsuyu grabbed her hand. "Naw, I'm just afraid she'll kill ya. Don't want a murder on my hands now do I?" Tsuyu stepped towards the green haired boy and "not one of yer buds are allowed to interfere in the fight, got it?" The broccoli boy said. Tsuyu nodded "fair." And with that the two walked towards each other "and since you got Those nice rings I get to use a blade." Tsuyu said, the boy nodded and toga gave tsuyu her switchblade. The fight started then in the blink of a eye. Broccoli boy sent a punch flying at tsuyu's face only for her to dodge and him go stumbling forward. Tsuyu nicked the kid on the leg with her blade making sure she didn't slash so deep in as to kill him. The boy roared out in anger and started to regain his balance, he sent another punch flying this time barely grazing tsuyu's cheek, it hurt like hell and she put a finger to it, blood. She ran at the boy and slashed his arm this time only for him to turn around and place a hard hit on tsuyu's face.  She felt her hearing go fuzzy as well as her vision but she regained both in a couple seconds. Now the boy was on top of her and he cocked back his fist and hit her again, hard. She felt herself almost lose consciousness. This boy was going to kill her if she did nothing. But then she felt a weight be lifted off her chest, literally. She looked around and tried to make sense of what was happening. The blonde had the green haired kid with his arms behind his back there were police sirens and then she felt herself be picked up and then held in someone's arms, presumably Bakugou's.
And then It all turned black.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2019 ⏰

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