Part 5 Truth or dare 1

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Joey Pov

I had no idea what I did. I just pressed my lips to Shane's they were so soft, oddly he kissed me back... And I didn't mind. It was like it was meant to be, I was expected to kiss Shane. I didn't even care if he was gay or not. I just kissed him. We both pulled away, like it was nothing. Shane didn't make a face, just opened his eyes slowly again and looked at me.

Omg I just kissed my stepbrother!!

Joey: um... I... I'm... Sorry...

Shane: it's alright... It wasn't a bad kiss

Joey: but... Your my... Stepbrother...

Shane: a stepbrother that understand that it was just for comfort

Puh, Shane came up with something! I would never had come out with an excuse.

Joey: yeah, thank you Shane

Shane: no problem... I liked it...

Joey: oh, I thought you were straight

Shane: no... But don't tell anyone... Not even mom knows...

Joey: why not, she's your mother and she accept me for being gay...

Shane: I know she don't have problem with gay people, just... I don't want her to be disposed that just her son is gay...

Joey: how long have you known you were gay?

Shane: like 5 years now... When did you know?

Joey: around 6, I kissed my best friend to try if we were gay, and I was

Shane: when did you come out?

Joey: like a year later, everyone accepted me luckily

Shane: well that god, have you dated a lot of people?

Joey: yeah... But only a few of then have been serious

Shane: I hope they all doesn't were over 20...

Joey: no, of corse not, I just have had a lot of boyfriends around the world, some two three years younger then me and up to my age and some that are like 21 now... And is the oldest one...

Shane: were they older one ever serious?

Joey: just two of them... Ruben and Tyler... Or I should say Chris... He faked his name for me all the time, we were together for three moths...

Shane: was that the guy you were going to see in New York?

Joey: yes, I'm so happy I didn't go, the police found really weird things in his apartment... He also have been arrested before because of he raped a kid...

Then I saw that Shane really saved me, who know what Chris could have done to me, rape me, yes but he could have done so much worse things then that...

Joey: thanks Shane, again

Shane: I know Joey, but really it's nothing

Joey: god, you saved my fucking life!

Shane: yeah maybe, I'm just happy your okey

I hugged him and yawed.

Shane: take a nap, you need that

Joey: can you stay? I feel like I need someone... And a hug...

Shane: alright, if it helps you

So we both laid down in my bed, I wrapped my arms around Shane's body and he laid his around me. I closed my eyes and fall asleep to Shane's heart beats.

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