I won't Bend and Break

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The next morning Holly woke bright and early she walked downstairs and made herself a hot chocolate, Francesca walked downstairs and said 'Morning sweet did you sleep well' Holly smiled and said 'I did yeah I went to sleep dreaming of Perri', Ashley walked into the kitchen already dressed ready for a full day the studio he kissed Holly on the head and said 'Why don't you two go and get dressed whilst I make some breakfast'.

Holly walked back upstairs to her room and looked in her wardrobe for something to wear but when she opened her wardrobe she was met by a solid fist to her ribs which caused her to double over in agony, she turned her head as her phone rang and a picture of Perri came up on the screen she reached for her phone but was quickly thrown against her mirror the glass shattered all over the floor and Holly landed on top of it. She turned her head to the side and saw Chris walk over to her he crouched down in front of her and said 'I hope you told Perri how much you love him cause your never going to see him again'.

Perri swore silently as Holly's phone went to voicemail again so he decided to ring Ashley instead he breathed a sigh of relief when Ashley picked up.

(P= Perri and A= Ashley:)

A: Hey Pel is everything alright

P: Have you seen the news this morning Ash

A: No not yet, why is everything alright

P: It's Holly's ex he's escaped from Prison and there's no doubt in my mind he'll come after Holly

A: Right well he doesn't know where she lives, we'll be leaving for the studio once Holly's ready

P: I'm just pulling up outside yours Ash, I just want to make sure she's alright

Perri climbed out of his car grabbing his phone in the process, he jogged over to Ashley's front door and rang the doorbell Ashley opened the door and said 'She's upstairs getting dressed'. Perri nodded and walked upstairs to where Holly's room was he knocked on the door and said 'Holly it's me Perri can I come in', having got no answer Perri tried again and on the third time he started to get worried he started banging on her bedroom door but still got no answer so this time he took a step back and kicked it. Ashley and Francesca had come upstairs after hearing Perri banging and kicking the door they reached the top of the stairs as Perri screamed 'HOLLY ARE YOU ALRIGHT OH MY GOD HOLLY PLEASE OPEN YOUR EYES' Ashley and Francesca ran into Holly's room to find her lying unconscious on the floor with Perri putting pressure on her stomach Ashley pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialled 999.

(AO= Ambulance Operator and A= Ashley)

AO: Ambulance is the patient breathing

A: Yes she is, please help me it's my daughter she's been stabbed

AO: It's ok sir just try and stay calm ok, I need you to apply firm pressure to the wound. Has she got any other wounds

A: Yeah some bruises, and cuts on her arms

AO: Ok we've got an ambulance blue lighting it's way to your address as we speak ETA 5 minutes, I'm going to stay on the line with you until they arrive

A: Thank you

AO: Ok the ambulance should be pulling up outside now

A: Yeah there in the house now, thank you so much for you help

Perri looked up at the Paramedics and said 'Please help her I'm begging you I can't loose her' the paramedics took over applying pressure before gently placing Holly on a stretcher and taking her down to the ambulance Ashley walked over to Perri and said 'Pel you go with her in the ambulance we'll follow behind in the car and meet you there and I'll let Jordan and the others know as-well'. Perri sat in the back of the ambulance holding Holly's hand eventually the ambulance arrived at A&E Perri followed the paramedics as they wheeled Holly through to the Resus department, Perri walked through the doors trying to find out whether she was ok one of the nurses walked over and said 'Sir I'm afraid I need you to wait outside please' Perri shook his head and said 'No please I need to stay with her'.

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