Caged birds don’t sing
They scream
They shriek to be released
Before they burst open at the seams
We’re like that
We scream like caged birds
But our screams are silent
Etched like words
Some etches are accidental
Some are made without thought
Some are made through pain and grit
Because time cannot be bought
Neglect causes etches
Being ignored is our forte
No one asks us how we are
No one asks what happened today
We are the caged birds.
With etches on our skin.
We can’t spread our wings
We can’t join our kin
So, I ask all of you
Hold on a bit longer
I’ll find the key to your cage
And nurse you until you’re stronger
I’ll give you shelter
And I’ll set you free
I will not judge you
Be who you want to be
Show your etches
Or hide them away
But if I open the cage
Please do not stay
You deserve to be free
You deserve to trust others
Spread your wings, my dove
Join your sisters and brothers
We are stronger as a group
You can join the flock
I’ll always be there for you
Taking away each and every lock