Chapter 3

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A/N: This is a bit longer :)
Stiles sat on the single seater couch while Lydia stood behind it, Liam, Mason and Corey stood behind the longer couch, which left Scott, Malia, Kira, and Allison to sit on the couch. Malia and Kira sat near the edge while Scott sat next to Malia and Allison next to Scott. Derek stood in front of the board Stiles moved into the living room.

Derek furrowed his eyebrows at the board, questioning why it was even here before he shook his head and turned towards everyone else.

" Alright, so the other day, when I was doing the dishes," Lydia glared at Stiles while Stiles shrugged and opened his mouth as if to speak. " I got a call from Argent saying that Allison was in town and had some information that might be useful." Allison nodded and leaned back on the couch. " So that was why I had called the meeting, however as I went to go pick up Allison from her dad's, I stumbled upon Kira, who also happened to have some info." Kira nodded as Allison began to speak.

" Right, so a few weeks ago, Isaac was kidnapped by the hunters, which I assume is Monroe's men." Scott widened his eyes and sat up.

" Oh my god, is he okay? Where is he?" Allison put her hand up and nodded her head.

" He's fine. I was able to find him and save him. Not without some cuts and bruises for the both of us, however." Allison sighed. "He's recovering, I left him with some friends of mine. Anyways, this wasn't the first time it had happened. Attacks have been happening all around France. Isaac and I were able to get some info on Monroe that she was still here in Beacon Hills. So I thought I could come over her and lend a hand. They said that's she always has hunters as her watchdogs." Kira nodded.

" It's been happening over at my place too. My town was attacked not even a few days ago." Liam furrowed his eyebrows.

" Wait, town? I thought you were stuck with the skinwalkers?" Kira nodded.

" I was, turns out skinwalkers are not the only ones there. It's a whole civilization just like me. Anyone who can't control their powers or needs training." Stiles shook his head.

" But wait, you were literally sucked down underground. If we couldn't even contact you, how did they know how to get in there?" Kira sighed.

" They've gotten smarter. They kidnap supernatural creatures in hopes that they can use their power as an advantage and then kill them. They kidnapped one of our members and forced her to open the rift." Lydia scrunched up her nose.

" That's just cruel." Kira nodded before she shook her head.

" Luckily for us, the skinwalkers knew how to locate Monroe and they found the place she's in, however not exactly." Malia furrowed her eyebrows.

" What do you mean?" Kira looked towards her.

" I mean, they know she's in hiding at an abandoned warehouse." Stiles groaned and leaned back on the couch.

" That could be anywhere in Beacon Hills. This place is full of warehouses." Scott turned towards Kira.

" Is there anything else they said?" Kira nodded.

" A riddle. They were only able to get the exact warehouse through a riddle. Back where it all started, yet ended for those that could no longer enjoy the sunset. Back where lovers had had their first fight." Lydia furrowed her eyebrows and turned towards Scott.

" What about that abandoned warehouse where we fought the kanima and Gerard. That's sort of when your pack began, plus Jackson died that night and definitely could not enjoy the sunsetting because that's when he usually turned into the kanima." Scott furrowed his eyebrows and nodded before Stiles spoke.

" Plus, he hated almost everything nice. Jeeps, Lydia, me. He probably hated the sunset too." Lydia pursed her lips and nodded in agreement before tapping on Stiles' shoulder as if she approved. Allison nodded her head.

" Yeah, plus me and Scott weren't on good terms at the time." Scott shook his head.

" But Kira said that it was where lovers had their first fight. That wasn't the first time we fought. Plus, you weren't mad at me, you were just going through stuff and I understood that. You needed space." Allison smiled at him. He was the same Scott she knew and had loved. Malia noticed the way Allison stared at Scott and sighed before looking down at her hands. Malia furrowed her eyebrows and looked up at Scott.

" What if it's the place where you and I were training to fight against the Anuk-ite with Deucalion?" Scott turned to Malia and nodded his head.

" That was around the time the Monroe war basically started." Malia nodded her head and sat up scooting closer to Scott, excited that they were slowly getting it.

" And Deucalion died that day, which though it started for us, it ended for him." Scott widened his eyes.

" And he was blind, so he couldn't enjoy the sunsets!" Malia smiled and nodded as Scott continued. " That was also the first time we-" Malia interrupted him.

"Fought, physically, but we fought!" Malia high fived Scott.

" You're amazing babe." Malia smirked while Lydia and Stiles pouted their lips at the two.

" Did they just replace us?" Lydia nodded as she wrapped her arms around Stiles.

" I think they did." Stiles pouted.

" I mean they stole our whole finishing each other's sentences, putting two and two together, high fiving when we figured it out.." Lydia furrowed her eyebrows.

" We don't high five." Stiles pouted.

" Yeah, well we should." Lydia rolled her eyes. Derek shook his head and walked over to the front door.

" Great, now that we know her location, we can sneak up on her and confront her." Scott nodded and got up from his seat.

" Right, let's get going." The pack headed towards their destination.
A/n: hope you enjoyed it. :3

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