Letters part 2

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The noise of water beating down on the floor from the faucet head surrounded me. The room had steamed up and I could feel the hot air dance across my exposed skin. I took a step closer towards the door, the cold metal burned my skin. A warning not to go into the room with the monster, the shard in my hand sank deeper into palm as my hand tightened around it. The sting was encouraging me to do what I wanted to do. I slowly and quietly opened the door to see a thick shadow underneath the safety of a blanket. As I neared the Beta I realized that he was back in his normal form, he lay flat on his stomach his back exposed to me perfectly. His eyes closed peacefully and his shallow breath reassured me. Slowly I climbed up onto the bed straddling his lower back, he didn't stir once. He was in a deep sleep something that wasn't very often.

I was surprised at myself, I didn't have any anxiety as I prepared myself for what I was about to do, I was full of excitement. I grabbed the back of his neck tightly while changing my position slightly so that his arms were trapped tightly by my legs. I brought the shard laced in silver close to his skin before plunging it into his skin before dragging it into the shape of an L.

L for loyal, I would always have loyalty for my family and nothing would ever change that.

I stood for independent, I wasn't going to let him control me anymore.

L was for loving, I was a loving person, I showed my love to my family in the best ways that I could back in sector two. It was harder now that we are separated but they know I love them and I know that they love me.

I tuned out his screams and his struggling as I carried on. I continued with the next letter A for adaptable. After the war I quickly changed for the better because of new circumstances and the same could be said for the situation I was in now. I had adapted to a certain mind frame that would help me survive.

And finally I began carving my last letter H which stood for human. I was rared in a society made and molded by humans with a set of beliefs that everyone from my kind agreed upon morally.

I left the shard in his back but before getting off of him I reeled my hand back and punched him hard in the face and then headed towards the door. I opened it walking into the hallway, before making my way towards the stairs. The excitement had left my body as my bloody hand raised to wipe away the sweat on my forehead. Before I could think about it I was in the kitchen dialing in a number that the beta had written down incase of an emergency.

"Hello," called a groggy sleepy voice.

"It's Lilah I need you to come as soon as possible." I hung up the phone hoping that I wasn't going to be waiting too long.

I sat down at the table with a glass of water my stained crimson finger tip waltzing with the rim of my glass. Five minutes had passed before the front door busted open to reveal a flustered and heavy breathing Marcus. A woman stood at the same height of him and they both looked horrified upon looking at me.

"Don't worry it's not all mine," I laughed slightly finding it amusing that I had made him bleed. I could hear the creek of the stairs signaling his arrival. He looked at me with feral eyes before casting his gaze towards the two other in the room.

"Beta what has happened?" The woman asked in shock seeing his slightly pale face. "Are you injured, did you have an intruder?" Her questions kept coming.

"No there wasn't an intruder. Your Beta is just a little shocked that I done exactly what he done to me," I sneered making her flinch. "-speaking of which Marcus I need you to check my back."

He slowly approached me glancing towards the growling Beta who was only noticing that I was still topless. I glared at him staring him dead on in the eye, challenging him to tell Marcus to stop what he was doing. But he didn't, my wounds needed to be taken care of.

"Oh my god!" He gasped. I could hearing him loudly gulping behind me as he laid eyes on my gashed skin.

"You won't be stitching it, you may clean the wounds apply some ointments and bandage it if necessary." The Betas voice was normal, no hint of the other entity from earlier coming through.

No one said anything as the woman analyzed the Betas injuries. The cold wet wipe landed on my skin, I hissed as it burned. The disinfectant pushing its way into my wound and cleaning it. I understood exactly why the Beta wouldn't give permission to closing the wounds. If they had been stitched the would heal better making the scars less prominent. He wanted his name to be seen on my back as a reminder to me and everyone else that he believed I belonged to him.

"I hurt my hand as well," I cleared my throat after hearing the sound of my own scratchy voice. Once the gauze was wrapped around my shoulder blades securely he moved on to my wrist that had ballooned up.

"It's sprained," he whispered to me. He grabbed an ice pack that I had kept in the fridge for emergencies. "You're going to have to use cold compressions on this at least twice a day and try not moving it to much."

The woman was inspecting Donovan's injuries, she placed her finger on the wound only to pull it back hissing. She glanced over at me in curiosity, I stared back with a dare in my eyes. Daring her to ask me all the questions that swam at the the tip of her tongue. "Leave me Kara I don't want you to tend to me, just check that your mate is doing things correctly."

I could feel Marcus tense beside me as wanted to defend himself and his capability as a doctor. "Marcus is doing a fantastic job and I don't need any of your kinds help." If he wasn't going to be able to stand up for himself I would do it for him.

"You should watch yourself little mate you don't want a repeat of what you saw earlier would you," he didn't try concealing his threat. Kara looked at me with a worried expression as she picked up on the obvious horror on my face. My lips fell into one tight line as I kept quiet. I'm sure the both of them were confused as to what Donovan was referring to, but I would have to tell the Alpha first.

Donovan ordered both of them to leave but Marcus left after a while of debating and his hesitation annoyed the Beta. I reassured him that I was fine, it was the Beta that he needed to be worried about. His strained laugh made me smile slightly anything to take my mind off of what happened earlier. Donovan's broad back was facing me as he said showed them out. I could feel my chest swell with triumph when I saw his wounds that were still open. I could see the healing process happening before me but it was not up to speed as it normally was.

"I am tired and I'm sure you are too, we are going to bed and we will discuss this in the morning." His hand brushed the middle of my back forcing me towards the stairs. The force of his hand pushed me forward making me climb the dreaded stairs. We soon stood in the room the metallic smell hung pungently in the air, I looked at the sheets to see crimson stains and smirked. For once it wasn't just my blood that marked the bed.

He pulled me towards the bed before sliding in beside me. His arm slipped behind my neck before sliding across my breasts holding me tightly to his own chest. His other hand lay on my slightly swollen tummy. "You're mine," was the last thing he whispered in my ear before going silent. His grip was like steel there was no way I could maneuver out of it.

I tried closing my eyes only to be assaulted by the vision of his contorting face, the vivid image of his beastly form staring at me with his haunting eyes. I had witnessed many Werewolves shifting into their wolf form but I had never experienced seeing a beast like he had turned into. I pushed the image of him as far away from my mind as possible only to be sucked into a vivid nightmare.

Let me know what you guys think!
Slán Ari~

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