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"What?" You say, echoing your thoughts. Jack also frowns, looking at Emily distrustfully.

"There... there's no one there."

Oh no.

Ohhhh noooo.

She tilts her head in worry, looking at you as though you were literally going to explode. "Are you alright?"

Eyes wide, staring off into the distance, you shake your head. You mumble incoherently, not knowing how to react.

She kneels down to your level, taking a hold of your hand. "What did you say?"

"I'm going crazy."

"No you-"

"I'm hallucinating!" You yell back, quickly standing up. "I'm having a visual hallucination right now! As if I don't already have enough shit going on!"

'Jack', or probably 'JJ', is standing back, looking sadly at you, almost hurt.

"I'm seeing a fictional character! Th-that's not p-possible!"

You feel yourself go on the verge of a panic attack.

Hyperventilating, you grip your hair, hands shaking.


Emily steps up, unsure of what to do. "Hey, do you nee-"

And that's the last thing you can recall before blacking out.


I think I'm going to keep the chapters shorter in this story, for multiple reasons.

First of all, it'll relieve some pressure, since I have like ten different ideas for books, but doing 1000+ words on each chapter of each story will become stressful.

Also, JJ's canon character isn't as developed as Anti or Dark, for example, so shorter chapters will help me map out more what I want him to be like.

And finally, it's easier story-wise for me, since as I've mentioned, his character isn't as defined as others, so inspiration might be a bit short for this one.

Thank you for reading, I hope you slept/you're sleeping/you'll sleep well.

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