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‘There’s a hole in the world like a great black pit, and it’s filled with people who are filled with shit, and the vermin of the world in habit it and it goes by the name of…..”

“Heck Ville high!”

Lowering my copy of Sweeney Todd I looked over the top of my book as Justin and his followers sauntered into the cafeteria.

“Who’s going to win tonight?” Justin’s right hand man Miles shouted, standing on top of an empty table.

“We are!” a loud chorus rang out in reply.

“Who are, I can’t hear you?”

“We are!”

Rolling my eyes in disgust, I lay my book down on the table upside down, marking my place and took a large bite out of my peanut butter and banana sandwich. Letting my gaze wander around the large crowded room I watched as Miles jumped down from the table before sauntering over to the cult like popular table.

Sat at the surrounding were the cheerleaders, the athletic girls, the slutty freshman girls, the skanky sophomore girls, the morals Juniors and the hot senior girls, the orchestra and band kids, the nerds, the geeks, the losers, the freaks, and then the rest of us. Not cool enough to have a segregated table, yet not lame enough to be picked on for it.

Swallowing the thick sticky wad of peanut butter, mushy banana, and stale bread I took a sip from my water bottle and was about to return my focus to my book when out of the corner of my eye I saw the cafeteria doors open and a familiar, small, blonde girl shuffle in.

Recognizing Alyssa, I watched as she moved throughout the sea of tables, with her head bowed, her shoulders balled up to her ears and her hands pulled into the sleeves of her sweater. Reaching a table in the most secluded part of the room she sat down quickly and after looking around to make sure no one was paying her any attention, placed a paper bag down on the table.

Surprisingly curious as to what the timid looking girl would do next I watched as she removed a sandwich from the bag, and after wiping the table off with her sleeve set it down. Confused as to why she looked like she was expecting some sort of beating or someone to scream at her, I picked up my book once again and took a bite of my sandwich however kept my eyes trained on her.

It couldn’t have been more than five minutes later, when I noticed some string thin, brunette, popular princess, Haley, I think her name was, rise to her feet, and smirking at the rest of her table, flounced over to where Alyssa sat.

Sensing drama, I lowered my book and watched, pricking my ears to hear, however it wasn’t hard seeing as most of the cafeteria had gone silent and were looking on with mute fascination.

“Hey fat ass flat chest.” Haley greeted.

Immediately Alyssa lowered her sandwich.

“Did you get my note in Algebra?” Haley continued.

Looking down, Alyssa nodded.

“I brought you something.” Haley carried on in a pleasant tone, before reaching into the back pocket of her extremely tight, undoubtedly expensive jeans and removing something too small to see before placing it down on the table infront of Alyssa.

Immediately Alyssa paled, and leaving her lunch rose to her feet, leaving whatever Haley had left for her untouched on the table.

“Aw are you going to go cry like a little baby?” Haley laughed, as Alyssa ran from the room.

Feeling sick I rose to my feet, no linger hungry.

Wondering as to what it was on the table I watched as Alyssa made a beeline for the door, however when she was just a few feet away the door swung open and Mr. Soltis stepped though, a food laden try clutched in his pudgy hands.

Her eyes trained on the ground, Alyssa didn’t notice and crashed into him, dousing herself in steaming hot tomato soup and coffee.

“Fuc….What on earth?” Mr. Soltis roared.

“I’m sorry!” Alyssa cried, “I’m so sorry!”

My heartbeat hammering in my ears mixed with the unanimous cackles that filled the cafeteria as well as Mr. Soltis’ angry shouts. Shrinking away, Alyssa looked around the room, tears streaming down her face before bolting through the cafeteria doors.

Disgusted, I started after her, however remembering what had upset her in the first place, stopped beside her table, my mouth opening in shock at the sight of a razor blade lying on the table, sparkling in the light.

Feeling Haley, Miles and Justin watching me I gave them a look of disgust before running out of the room after Alyssa. I spent the entirety of lunch looking for her, but to my dismay, never found her. 

Just Wait Till Friday ; hemmings a.uWhere stories live. Discover now