chapter two: encounter

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tongue tied. | encounter

"Yah! You've been sleeping all day," Yuta nagged.

Jaehyun whined, "School is so fucking boring! Johnny should be the one studying here."

"But hyung just finished Law, didn't he?" Sicheng asked.

"Tss, I don't care! I didn't want to study in the first place anyway!" Jaehyun cried.

"Stop being a whiny baby and just be thankful that hyung made you study. He is paying for your tuition and requirements, just so you know," Doyoung uttered as he rolled his eyes.

Jaehyun just want to go and do everything what he wants to do. He finished high school, what else does he have to do? College sucks!

Just as he was complaining about life and college, he frowned since his friends were whispering as they looked between Jaehyun and god knows who was behind. Jaehyun slammed his hand on the cafeteria table and made the three to stop whispering and looked at Jaehyun with eyes wide open.

"What's with the chitchats?" Jaehyun asked.

They looked at each other before looking at Jaehyun.

"Just to be honest with you, Jae...some guy is staring at you," Yuta whispered.

Jaehyun's eyebrow met at the center before he turned and looked behind him. His eyes scanned the tables that were filled with students since it was break time. His head tilted as he saw a pair of doe eyes staring straight at him. The guy flinched and blushed madly.

Surprisingly, Jaehyun found it cute.

The guy immediately stood up and ran to the bathroom, his friend followed him.

"Oohhh, looks like someone's having a crush on you," Sicheng teased.

Jaehyun turned back to face his friend and shook his head.

"I might've scared him," Jaehyun shrugged.

"Would he be scared if he blushed like that?" Doyoung sarcastically asked.

All of them went quiet. Jaehyun tried to avert his attention to somewhere else, like complaining about his life again.

After break time, the four went into their classroom and sat on their chairs at the farthest corner of the class. It was noisy and Jaehyun hated how he hears people bickering and chatting like forever. He could hear the noise through his earphones and he's currently annoyed by now.

Suddenly, the doors slammed open and the professor walked into the classroom. Everybody went quiet all of a sudden and went to their seats. Jaehyun yawned, feeling relaxed since the room was quiet again while everybody feel so tensed. The professor explained every rule that everyone should follow in his class.

Jaehyun yawned again, "Boring..."

"I bet he'll be the worst teacher," Yuta uttered.

Doyoung and Sicheng nodded, "Agreed."

It was a math class and the professor didn't waste time as he start to teach about god knows what. People ended up scribbling in their notebooks, pretending to take notes while the others slept. The class has the shortest amount of time but it felt like years seating on the chair.

Finally, the class has ended and Jaehyun did have a good nap. They walked around the hallway with students filling it up.

"I'll be in the bathroom. Meet you guys at the cafeteria," Jaehyun said before walking towards the restroom.

He opened the door and found it to be empty. He walked into a cubicle. After, he walked out while he was fixing his shirt. He looked up and saw a guy on the sink.

The guy have black hair, kinda hard to tell who he is since he is looking down as he washes his hands. He finally raised his head after and their eyes met as they looked at each other on the mirror.

The guy's eyes widened and suddenly looked flustered. Jaehyun knew he was the guy at the cafeteria last time. Before Jaehyun could even talk, the guy immediately ran out of the restroom.

"Taeyong! Taeyong!"

Taeyong looked behind him to see Jungwoo. He immediately ran to his friend and pulled him by hand. Jungwoo doesn't know where Taeyong would be taking him but they ended up in the school's field. They stood under the tree with Taeyong still flustered and Jungwoo couldn't help but slap his friend's face.

Taeyong was surprised but ended up frowning at him as he cupped his cheek.

"Tell me what happened in the bathroom. Did you see something weird?" Jungwoo asked.

Taeyong blushed as he bit his lower lip. He replied using his language.

'I saw Jaehyun.'

Jungwoo's jaw dropped, "What?! I need more details, Taeyong!"

Taeyong shushed him for being more excited than him. He rolled his eyes at his friend before explaining.

'It just so happen that he was there when I entered. I didn't know he was in there in the first place!'

"Eyy, your first encounter with him! That's nice."

Taeyong sighed, 'I think he thinks that I'm a creep.'

"Nonsense! Quit thinking like that and think about the possibilities that you would encounter Jaehyun again."

The male shook his head immediately, 'I don't want to anymore! I just can't...'

Jungwoo clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes, "Whatever. Let's go?"

Taeyong nodded. They walked into the building and straight into their respective classroom.

On the other hand, Jaehyun was left alone inside the restroom. He frowned at the guy's sudden expression when he saw him. The man faced himself infront of the mirror and touched his face's sides.

"Do I look like a monster?"

Jaehyun frowned and just exited the restroom. He puts his hands inside his pockets as he casually walked into the cafeteria, joining his friend and doesn't have any plans on telling them what happened a while ago.

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