The Plan

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"Your classes are dispersed.Enjoy your summer vacations!", said Ms Hayes. The whole school seemed to have erupted with joy when the final bell rang. "Are you planning on going somewhere this summer?", asked Peter. "Well, I don't know yet. My parents gave me a surprise last summer when they decided a trip to Germany and surprises don't come that often, so in short, no", replied Matt. 

"Hey guys! What's going on? Anyways, I have an awesome plan for this vacation", said Emma who came running down the corridor. "What is it?", asked Matt. "There is an abandoned Mental Asylum just at the edge of the town. How about roaming it's ruins instead of spending the whole summer laying on the bed?"

"Easier said than done.  Will our parents allow us to go to a mental asylum which is said to be haunted?", said Peter. "We will tell them that we are going to your house to hang out", said  Emma. "And what will I tell my mom?", asked Pete. "You can tell her that you will be hanging out at Matt's house", replied Emma. 

"Ok then, so is it just the three of us or are you going to invite someone else too?", asked Matt. "I was thinking of Charlotte", said Emma while strolling down the road. "Inform her then, when are we going by the way?" "Next Thursday should be fine", said Emma. "What are the things we are going to need?", inquired Peter. 

"Food, bandages and weapons if things go wrong", answered Emma. "Let's meet on Thursday then", Matt concluded.

2 Days Later

"Hey Charlotte! How's it going?", asked Matt. "Just fine. Honestly the past 24 hours haven't been very good. I accidentally drenched my assignments and also lost my favorite pen. I searched the whole house for an hour so", she said with a dismal tone. "Oh! Hope you find it soon. Let's wrap things up. Everyone got the supplies?",  asked Peter who always dreamt of being a leader.

"I got bandages, antiseptic liquid, gauze dressings and more supplies than we would need", said Emma. "I got the food department all covered. Sardines, carrots, chips, biscuits etc", said Matt. "Well, you can tell from the looks that I got all the required weapons, baseball bat, knives and a rod I found in the storeroom. Everyone take one", Peter declared. 

They got into a big fight over the baseball bat but it was eventually taken by Peter because he was the one who brought it. "I think we are ready. Let's go", said Matt. Off they went into the horizon in their bicycles.

~Nxt chapter's brewing

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