The Sacrifice

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With Elijah also came the two Martin witches. They didn't live with us, but they were here whenever Elijah needed them.

"So, what exactly are you doing?" I inquired curiously, looking at the objects on my kitchen table.

"I'm going to do a spell that shows Elijah here the location of the doppelgänger," Jonas explained, sitting down at the table.

Elijah took a seat across from him with me lingering awkwardly behind them "So, how does this spell work?"

"Give me your hand," Jonas instructed Elijah. The witch had a silver knife in his hand, the other one extended for Elijah's. After the Original placed his hand palm up, in the Witch's he sliced it open with the silver blade "Place it here." Elijah placed his palm, bloody side down on the picture of Elena in cheerleading uniform "Now take my hand. Close your eyes, relax your mind and look for her." Jonas started chanting in Latin. Seriously? They needed Latin for spells? That's so weird... I can just use any language I want as long as I channel my magic into the words and manipulate it to do what I want it to do.

Suddenly, Elijah's eyes flew open in shock.

"You saw her, didn't you?" Jonas asked smugly.

"I know exactly where she is," the Original smirked.

"So, if you don't require anything else, I'll take my leave," the Witch said, gathering the things he stole from Elena and put them away.

"Of course," Elijah nodded and lead his accomplice to the door.

I yawned and flopped down onto the chair the vampire had been sitting in earlier. It's weird, I read in several books and the internet that it was normal to be tired, but I was wondering if this constant tiredness was actually normal. Hell, I wasn't even two months along yet and I was already experiencing the symptoms I dreaded the most. The nausea and tiredness had been my constant companion since I found out that my father didn't want me around anymore. They were most likely stress related, but I couldn't really tell.

"Meagan," Elijah spoke up when he arrived back in the room "I have to go out for a while. How about you schedule that doctor's appointment? You haven't been feeling well recently. Worse than normal, I presume?"

I nodded tiredly "Sure, 'Lijah. Be careful, will you?"

"I promise, little one." He kissed my forehead and left.

I sat quietly for a few minutes before I sighed and took out my phone. I already saved the number of the doctor I wanted to go to. She was situated in Charlottesville, so no one in Mystic Falls would find out for a while.

"Hello, Dr Chen's office," a cheerful female voice answered the phone.

"Ah, yes. I, erm... I'd like to make an appointment, please," I stuttered nervously.

"Sure," the receptionist said "How far along are you?"

"Six and a half weeks. Almost seven." I bit my lip.

"We usually don't schedule appointments until eight weeks," the woman told me.

"I haven't really been feeling well for the last couple of weeks. I know it's normal to be tired and nauseous, but I've been throwing up a lot," I explained my symptoms, trying to sound less insecure than I felt.

"In that case, how about Friday at 2?" the receptionist proposed.

"Friday sounds good. Thank you," I smiled relieved.

"What's your name and birthdate?"

"Meagan Crawford. That's M-E-A-G-A-N. And I was born on the 31st of October 1995."

"Sorry, but you're fifteen?" the receptionist blurted out "Then you'll have to bring an adult with you."

"I'm emancipated, ma'am. I live alone," I muttered.

"Then a friend? I'm sure you'll feel better with some support," she soothed kindly.

"Yes, ma'am. I'll be there on Friday at 2 o'clock."

"Have a nice day," she said, before ending the call.

I let out a shaky breath, pulling my calendar out and writing down the date and time for the appointment. After that, I also entered it into my phone and wrote a quick note for Elijah.

I made myself some quick food, just reheating some of the curry I cooked last night and went to my room. I picked up one of the books on baby names and started leafing through. How were you even supposed to decide on a name? There are so many. Hey, this one is kind if nice and this one and... damnit. Maybe I should wait until I know the gender, but I was already freaking out. I didn't know if I could do this, but I really want those kids, no matter how they came to be, I already loved them to bits.

My phone started ringing and without looking at the caller ID, I picked it up.

"Crawford," I greeted.

"Hey, Megs," a harsh voice sounded through the speakers.

"Dad?" Why was he calling? He was supposed to leave me alone.

"It's me. How are you holding up?"

"Why do you care? You threw me out," I snapped annoyed.

"I wouldn't have gotten rid of you if you were more responsible," he yelled.

I swallowed heavily and my eyes teared up "It's not like I wanted this."

He laughed harshly "If you didn't want this then you shouldn't have dressed as you did."

"Now it's my fault?" I exclaimed in shock "You know what? I don't care what you say or do, but stay out of my life." Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Elijah entering my room quietly and moved to the side, so he could sit down next to me.

"I have every right, young lady. I am your guardian."

"You aren't shit. I'm emancipated, so please just fuck off," I sighed, leaning against the Original for comfort.

"Fine. If that's what you want, but don't come running back when you need money," he snarled, hanging up.

I lowered the phone, tears running down my face for real now.

"Your father is very..." Elijah trailed off.

I grinned tearily "I know. That's the reason why the judges allowed the emancipation. Usually, I'm too young for this."

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close "You have someone who cares about you now. You don't have to do this alone anymore."

I burrowed my face in the crook of his neck and sighed "Thank you." I suddenly remembered that he was with Elena earlier "Hey, how was the meeting with the Gilbert girl?"

"They were astounded that I was alive," he laughed "I believe that my brother will be here soon and if that happens you won't leave my sight," he promised.

"Oh dear is it normal that I'm scared," I teased.

"Scared," Elijah gasped "I'll show you scared." He started tickling me and I tried to squirm away laughing.


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