Meeting Mikael

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Two days after I had given birth, I was allowed to go home, but not before being warned that the Mikaelson's father had been staying close to the area around my house.

"Wait... seriously?" I raised an eyebrow at the siblings.

Nik nodded "We weren't really around long enough to get rid of him, so I hope he won't try anything."

"He shouldn't," Finn mused "Mikael was somewhat... proud of the fact that I found my mate. He even made a joke..."

Kol gasped dramatically and widened his eyes "No! Tell me you're kidding."

I snorted at him in amusement "Calm down, it's not the end of the world."

"You clearly never met our father before," Kol pointed out, while simultaneously cooing at Jasper "Hey, there, Ash."

I bit my lip, trying not to laugh "That's Jasper, Kol." Seriously, in the two days, the boys were born, I was the only one who could tell them apart. And I didn't even get them matching clothes or anything.

"I was pretty sure that's Asher," Elijah frowned. See? No one!

I just shook my head and went to get up from the hospital bed "We should get going. I really want to get home and shower, maybe even do some of the mountains of school work I have to do."

"We already signed you out." Finn hugged me from behind, resting his chin on my head "The car seats should be in Elijah's car, so we'll take that one, while the others take Niklaus'. Have I forgotten anything?"

"I don't think so," I murmured, leaning into him more "Let's go then."

"I'll take Jasper to the car," Kol spoke up "Nik can take your bags and you take Asher?"

"Why do I have to take the bag? I want to take the baby," Nik pouted.

I rolled my eyes at Rebekah, making her grin "Why don't you take Asher, Nik and I'll carry the bags on my own."

Finn kissed the side of my head "I'll take your bags, love."

"Thanks, Finn. Let's go now."

We left the room and I said goodbye to the nurses who took care of me and the boys. Finally out of there! I can't wait for something better to eat...

Finn and I were halfway to Mystic Falls, when he spoke up quietly "Jenna should have bought some more diapers and formula for the twins."

I smiled gratefully "I don't even know how I would have done all of this on my own. It has been so... overwhelming to have support from all of you. I mean, it hasn't been that long, since my granny died, but it feels like so long."

My mate peeled a hand away from the steering wheel and linked his fingers with mine "Don't worry, love. But how about you sleep until we're there? Ash and Jas fell asleep a few minutes ago."

"Maybe I should," I yawned. The nurses thought it would be a good idea to leave the babies in my room, so I barely got any sleep. Finn helped at nights and the others got me about two hours this afternoon, but I still got way too little sleep. Welcome to being a new mother, I guess.

Wait! I'm living with vampires. They have super-hearing. I let out an amused snort.

"What's so funny?" the oldest Mikaelson questioned.

I grinned vindictively "Your siblings are vampires. Babies plus super-hearing equals very grumpy and sleep-deprived bloodsuckers."

He started coughing and the corners of his lips were twitching up "Well, I'm sure that will be very amusing, especially since father is still around."

"Do you think he'll be there when we come back?" I questioned worriedly, glancing back at the twins.

"Whatever happens, we'll protect you and them. Understood?"

I nodded silently and relaxed against the passenger door, closing my eyes. When I woke up the next time, I heard raised voices.

"I don't care. Just leave," Nik shouted at someone.

An older, deeper man's voice answered "Now, now, Niklaus. I only want to meet your brother's mate and babies. I'm still your father." So that must be Mikael then. No, really? ... Did I just snarl at myself?

I looked around the car and saw Finn stand outside my door protectively. With an eye-roll, I opened the door and slowly lifted myself out.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Finn whispered into my ear, steadying me slightly.

"It's not like he can do anything. I still have my magic, so... Get Ash?"

He searched my eyes for a moment and I had to let my magic flare slightly before he nodded in acceptance, going around the car in seconds.

I unbuckled a still sleeping Jasper and cradled him against my chest "Can you people shut up? If you wake them up I'll kill you, revive you and kill you again," I hissed, glaring at the arguing males.

The four – Kol, Mikael, Elijah and Nik – all stepped back at the fire in my eyes and blinked.

"Sorry, Meg," Kol and Nik mumbled, lowering their heads in shame.

I snorted "Don't worry about it. I won't be the one who hears the cries about ten times louder than normal humans, so... go ahead for all I care."

The vampires all paled at the underlying threat, while Mikael suddenly burst out laughing "I like you, little witch. You have them all in control."

"Oh, I could take over the world, but you know... That would be too much work," I shrugged with a quirk of my lips.

"You remind me of Eyvor. She was the exact same way," Mikael mused "An ancestor of yours?"

I nodded and jerked slightly, when my magic reached out on its own, cocooning the still strange name.

He gasped "What is this?"

A dark, sort of blackish presence washed over me and Jasper startled awake, crying loudly.

"What are you doing to her?" Rebekah shouted at her father.

Compulsions, hatred, hurt, everything was spilling over the aura he was exuding "Who did this to you?" I whispered, staring at the man.

"What's going on here?" Nik questioned loudly, his head swivelling between Mikael and me.

Kol, on the other hand, had an inkling "Meg? Breath! Can you tell me what you see?"

"Magic," I panted "So much magic. Bad. Rage, hatred, disgust. Compulsions were woven into another and anchored to him."


"Shush," Kol hushed his confused father "Me, I need you to concentrate now. Try to pull in your magic and slowly syphon it into the ground, can you do that?" He extracted the crying infant from my arms gently, as I slowly did what he wanted me to "Good girl, you almost got it."

When my mind was finally clear, I came out f my trance. I blinked rapidly and rubbed a hand over my aching forehead when I finally realized Jasper was crying. Before... I heard it, but I didn't really connect the crying to what was really happening.

"Jas... I'm so sorry, baby," I mumbled, plucking my son out of Kol's arms "Thank you, Kol."

"It's alright. You go on in with Finn and feed the little ones. I'll explain this," he told me, nudging me into the direction of the front door.

I nodded gratefully, quickly making the babies' bottles and feeding them.

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