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April 12, xx. 11 am.

"You called?" A woman no less then the age of 19 walked into a brightly lit room with her mouth set in a hard line. Her (Eye Color) eyes looked to the right side of the room and met with a man with onyx eyes.

He had short, ash-grey hair that was kept in a pony tail and wore a black business suit with a white collared shirt under. "Ah, (Your Name) (Last Name), I heard good things about you from your Master." The man said, standing up from his seat.

The woman walked from the doorway over to the desk and shook hands with the man. She took a seat and said, "Good morning, Mr. Yakushi. What did he say?"

"He told me that every assignment you took, you completed it quickly without any problems." Yakushi  said, pushing back his black rimmed circular glasses. "That's true." (Your Name) said, nodding.

"In that case..." Yakushi passed the (Hair Color) haired woman a file full of papers. She opened it and reviewed the many papers inside. "I have a assignment for you." Yakushi said as he watched her eyes wander over the papers. "I'm listening."

"For the price of twenty million dollars, I want you to assassinate Prince Shoto Todoroki." Yakushi said with a grim smile. He then, pulled out a suitcase and opened it. Inside, loads of stack cash were stacked inside.

She was surprised. A prince? She only completed five missions. She's taken out rival enemies, a councilman, a doctor, and a butler. But a prince? All who she killed were enemies and a threat to her organization. However, they were ruthless villains who loved to pick a fight. She'd just have to be careful while perusing this assignment because he is surrounded by security.

"May I ask why?" (Your Name) asked, still looking at the file. Yakushi was taken aback. From all the other assassins he contacted, she was the first to question his reasons. "I have my purpose and you have yours but let me tell you this, The king favors his son Shoto more than his other children. So, if he's gonna, he could cause chaos." He said as he closed the suitcase, the clunk noise echoing around the silent room. "Who doesn't love another family torn?"

"I understand, but this won't be completed as quick as my other missions." (Your Name) looked up from the file with a serious face. "This is a prince we're talking about. He's going to have resistance against me. How many assassins have been sent out to kill him? About 150 and they all failed." She explained and raised up a paper from the file, "The last assassin almost killed the prince, but failed. However, he managed to kill a guard who was protecting the prince."

"Oh I get it!" Yakushi said, leaning on his hand. "The paper says that they're hiring after the loss of an employee. Therefore, you're saying that you're going to apply, right?" (Your Name) nodded with a small smile.

"It'll be easer that way." Kabuto smiles back and chuckles, "Clever girl. I like it." Her attention then went back to the file. "That's how I was trained to be." She replied, memories flooding into her head. She was under a villain league ever since she could remember. Since she was a child, her fate was decided to be a merciless Assassin. She would undergo procedures to kill without being traced. She was taught how to be swift, how to handle weapons, how to aid her wounds, and how to use her quirk in situations.

Her quirk was useful for this type of business. Her quirk consisted of illusion-making and was called, Holo-Pilot. Her tactical ability is able to send out a hologram that will perform whatever action she was doing when activated. For example, if activated while running the hologram will keep running and looking in that same direction. This ability may be activated for as long as a day. Consequences? A major migraine, but it's perfect to distract the enemy. Another downside was that after receiving a migraine, she'll start to get paranoid. If she went out to spy on the enemy, she would be constantly paranoid that she was seen and would be prosecuted.

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