Who Are You

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Jasper's POV
I woke up with a killer headache so reached for my head in pain with my eyes still getting use to the bright lights. "Where the fuck am I..." I said to myself confused, "you're in the infirmary." My head snapped towards where the voice came from and jumped out of the bed ready to run. 'Who the fuck is this bitch?... and why does he look so familiar??'

The male took a step back from me with his hands up defensively, "I'm not going to hurt you- "and how should I know that!?" I yelled at him as I tensed my muscles, getting beat to a pulp by an alpha is not on my bucket list. "I'm the one who pulled Oliver off you and brought you here, you've been passed out for 4 hours." He continued calmly.

Somehow his voice calmed me down and I became less defensive. "What happened?... and who are you?" I said quietly without making eye contact with the boy across from me. "My name is Jinx, Oliver targeted you and he started throwing punches. But you weren't badly injured, but the other wounds would say otherwise, wouldn't they?" He said walking closer to me and made his way around the bed then sitting down. "Now, who are you." He said more as a command than a question.

"M-my name is J-Jasper..." I Stuttered as he had somehow gotten closer to me even though he was sitting on the bed. Jinx then stood up and took a step towards me and I took a step back then my back hit the wall 'well fuck...' I thought as he put his hands on both sides of my head so I couldn't get away from him.

"Why are you covered in bruises, cuts and scars?" Jinx asked with a hit of...concern? I started to breath heavily as he closed more space between us as if he crushed me my answer would simply just pop out. "Oliver..." I answered hoping he wouldn't push any further into my life.

He growled softly as though unsatisfied with my answer. He then turned away from my shaking body, the only way I had known that was Because I could see his feet leave from my line of sight since I was looking down as soon as he closed the space between us.

"I'll take you home." He said swiftly picking up my bag and putting it on the opposite shoulder to his and grabbing my hand, I flinched as he did so. 'Shit did he see me flinch!?' I panicked in my head.

'Why is he talking me home if school isn't even finished-WAIT HE'S TAKING ME HOME!! FUCK THAT! MARTHA WOULD FUCKING KILL ME!!!' I thought as I suddenly stopped as we got outside of school. "What's wrong?" Jinxed asked, I swallowed nervously as I answered his question "I-I can't go h-home... please d-don't make me go!" I whimpered out loudly. Jinx stared at me with a worried look which made me look away, I hated asking for things. "Ok." Was all he said to me as he continued to pull my wrist towards a black motorcycle.

"I-is that yours?" I asked as he pulled out his keys with his free hand, "yes it is. Do you like it?" He laughed out which made me smile but I quickly washed it off "yeah... t-the colour is pretty cool." I said looking at it. "Come here" Jinx said, I turned to him and he put a helmet on me, "what about y-you?" I asked confused "haha I'll be fine, don't worry." He said as if I had asked a stupid question. 'Well sorry for giving a shit' I said to myself which made me smile and I again removed it just as quickly as it got there.

Jinx had gotten on the bike and patted the seat behind him "come on, I don't bite, well sometimes I don't" He joked as I got on. He grabbed my hands which made me jump "it's fine. for safety" he said as he moved my hands around his waist, making me blush. 'I hope he can't see me blushing...' I thought as I hid my head.

Jinx's POV
'Damn he looks cute as fuck when he blushes! OI SHUT UP I JUST MET HIM, fuuuuckkkk' was all I thought as I revved the engine and backed out of the parking spot and sped out of the schools car park, when I did so I felt Jasper's grip tighten and I smiled.

Since he didn't want to go home I took the scenic route to my place but I made a pit stop at a café to grab something to eat but mostly for Jasper since he looked like he was being starved. I turned of the engine and pulled out the key, Jasper then removed his hands as I got off my bike. I then took of his helmet even though he was about to take it off himself, I then helped him of my motorcycle because his feet were no where near the ground when sitting on my bike. While doing so he tensed every time I touched him, 'something is obviously going on at his place.'

"Why are w-we here?..." he whispered with his head down "so I can fatten you up, and I'm dying for some coffee" I said as I grabbed his had softly and lead him inside the café. "So what would you like Jasper?" I asked whispering into his ear which he also tensed at 'guess that's of limits too...' I said making a mental note about when he tenses so I new what he was comfortable with. "U-uh um just a small coffee p-please" He said looking away from me "are you sure you don't want to eat anything?" I asked standing closer to him "yes, I'm f-fine." He stiffened again while also blushing.

I ended up getting a large coffee for me and a small coffee with a marshmallow and 2 pancakes for Jasper. "Here you go." I said as I put down the plate with his pancakes and put his coffee next to it. He just looked at the plate confused then looked at me in the eyes for the first time but quickly left my eyes and went back to his plate, "are these y-yours?" He questions me, "no they are all for you, try one there pretty good." He let out a small breath and took a sip of his drink "I-I, You didn't need to waste money on me. I'm honestly not that hungry."
"Ok then I'll take it to go." I said and took it to the waitress. 'I'm not giving up that easily Jasper.'

We were now back on my bike and before I started the engine back up Jasper asked "S-so where are we going?" He whimpered out probably assuming I was going to take him home, but there was plenty of sun left since school just let out "we're going to my place." I said with no emotion in my voice as I turned my engine back on so Jasper couldn't argue.

As soon as I revved the engine Jasper clung to my waist tightly which made me smile to myself again 'damn his just so cute' I laughed aloud at the thought.


Word count:1255

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