Chapter 13

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Juliana p.o.v

The sun was shining on my window, I woke up and got up and saw that Darren was still sleeping on my bed, I didn't wake him up, I just got up and went into the bathroom.

I turned on the shower and put on really hot water, after I got out and brushed my teeth, I went to my closet and took out a white tank top with black shorts and white and black sneakers with black jacket.

I went downstairs and had breakfast, went back upstairs and grabbed my white hand bag, my iPhone and my car keys, Darren was still sleeping so I left a note.

I got in my car and rode to Emma's house.

After a 10 minute drive I got to Emily's house.

I rang the door bell and waited for her to open the door.

Emily: hey girly girl.

Julie: hey, Emma what's up?

Emily: nothing much, she said smiling come in your boyfriends here.

I wanted to tell her what had happened, but she pushed me in.

Connor: morning, cutie, late much?

Liliane: Hey, you can only call cutie to me!

Jules: calm down babe, he's all yours, and sorry I'm late, it's just Darren slept in my room and made me sleep late.

Jared: wow slept in your room? he asked puzzled.

Jules: he wouldn't leave so I let him sleep with me on my bed.

Angelica: wow does Tyler know?

Tyler: I don't care about what she does! he said barging into the kitchen.

Kelsey: what happened to him? she said with a frown.

Jules: it's Darren fault I will tell y'all later, but now I have to talk to him.

I went into the kitchen and saw Tyler drinking a soda.

Tyler: look Julie I'm not in the mood to fight.

Julie: Tyler please let me explain, I didn't write anything, it was all Darren.

Tyler: ok, I believe you but I need time to think ok, it's just that one day you say you like me, then another you let Darren sleep in your room.

Julie: I'm not a flagella ok, i know what I'm doing, I don't sleep with men, when I'm dating others.

I tried going out but he got up and grabbed my hand.

Pushed me to the counter and when he was about to kiss me Alex come in and said Lily had came, we went out without what would happen between me and Tyler.

Emma: ok, so I called you all here to tell you that , I really want to get revenge on Val and Van .

Liliane: then why did you invite Lily?

Emma: because, Lily I bet you hate them and you want to get revenge on them as well.

Lily: well...i mean...i don't know....i would like to...but I'm scared.

Jason: you don't need to we will protect you.

Leo: yeah , we have each other's backs.

Lily: ok.

Alex: so what was there plan?

Lily: they knew that if they pretended to be rivals, that you guys would ask one of them to walk with y'all and know who dates who and break them apart and them break your friendship.

And Darren needed to get your attention, because he loves you so he asked dumber one and dumber two to help him since he dates dumber one.

Miranda: OMG biatrizes why do they do that?

Edward: calm down we just need to know why would Darren take there side.

David: didn't you here he loves Juliana.

Tyler started coughing and then everyone looked at him.

Katherine: I see why your doing that you r like tots jelly right now.

Cameron: dude it's totally noticeable.

Tyler: shut up I'm leaving, tell me the rest by email. bye Mire, Kat, Lil, Lily, Con, Cam, Leo, Dave, Jay, Jer, KK, Emma, Al, Angel, Eddie.

Alex: what about Jules?

Tyler: her, whatever.

Jules: just because you need time doesn't mean you need to be rude.

Con: dude, she right apologize.

Tyler: yeah, I'm sorry Jules , I didn't mean it that way, it's just I like you and Darren and you and everything it's killing me.

Jules: well, you made the wrong choice to make me suffer.

KK: Juliana Parks can you listen to him?

Jules: no, he hurt me once and I won't let it twice, he's rude and selfish like Darren.

That's when I ran out and started crying.

I got to my car and drove home.

I got in and slammed the door.

Darren: what the hell, you scared me.

Jules: go to hell and leave me alone.

Darren: wait what wrong with you?

Jules: you are the reason Tyler left me, you are the reason for the worst moments in my life.

Darren: I ... love ... you... that's why I do this, I love u.

Before I could answer the doorbell rang and I rushed to open the door.

It was Tyler.

Julie: what do you want?

Tyler: you I want you.

He entered without my permission and pushed me into the couch and started kissing me.

I heard Darren grunting and walking out of the room.

Tyler picked me up and took me to my room we did it there for two hours then we stopped.

Tyler: I'm so sorry I didn't me and would never mean to hurt you.

Jules: it's ok, let's forget about it.

Tyler: yes, because I love you Juliana Parks and would do anything to be with you.

Jules: I can't say I love u because we just met but I really like.

Tyler: it doesn't matter as long as I'm with you, anything can happen.

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