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doyoung's point of view

i woke up, the pain in my head started to strike. i woke up in my bedroom, but it wasn't the same.

new wallpaper, new furnitures, new posters of jihoon's favorite band. i sat up and rubbed my forehead.

it was a terrible dream, i thought.

i walked outside and everyone was eating and chatting happily. but they were just nine. hyunsuk was missing.

"ah, good morning, doyoung!" noa greeted with a soft smile. i smiled back and frowned, "what's the matter? why are you frowning like that?" yedam asks.

"i had a terrible dream. it's a nightmare." i sighed "oh...don't worry about it, it's just a dream...come sit with us and eat." byounggon said.

i sat between jihoon and junkyu as there was no chair left for hyunsuk. maybe he's still asleep? i was bothered and i gave up.

"byounggon," he hummed in response as he got a piece of loaf in the plate "where is hyunsuk?" everyone stopped from what they're doing.

"doyoung," i looked and it was jihoon "let's talk later." he says.

i gave everyone a frown. why did they suddenly stop? "continue eating your meal." byounggon said sternly.

after eating breakfast, jihoon invited me to talk in our room. he closed the door and sighed as he sat on his bed while i sat on mine.

"why did you ask that?" he asked and i gave him a confused look "what do you mean?" i asked.

"why did you ask everyone about hyunsuk?" jihoon asks "well...hyunsuk joins us every breakfast, right? what's new with that?" i gave him a nervous chuckle.

jihoon sighed and looked down "why? why are you giving me that look?" i asked. "hyunsuk...he's dead, remember?" my eyes bulged at jihoon's statement.

"don't joke around!" i yelled a bit and he gave a startled look "doyoung, i'm serious." he did sound serious.

"hyunsuk is dead one year ago." jihoon spoke "h-how come? i don't understand..." i was left speechless.

jihoon sat beside me and patted my back, "you're very close to hyunsuk and i know that. we're also sad that he's gone...but we need to accept the fact."

i brushed jihoon's hand off "no!" i yelled.

tears started to stream down my face. as jihoon hugged me "you don't remember, do you?" he asks softly.

"tell me." i begged. "you got into a car crash with him...you're the only one who survived." jihoon spoke.

i parted with jihoon as i looked at him. "just sit there." i closed my eyes as the darkness welcomed me.

there was no timer.

i breathed out and opened my eyes, jihoon was looking at me, confused. "what's the matter?" he asks.

i told jihoon about the experience of me seeing people's lifespan. it was painful to bring back the past.

"how do you feel?" jihoon asked me and i was dead silent "seeing other people how they die?" my eyes bursted a thousand tears recalling how traumatizing it is to see how people die.

"it feels like i want to die with them too."

jihoon patted my back and hugged me again. "it's gonna be alright. we're here."

i realized that...me and hyunsuk were so close. we're so close that i was with hyunsuk one more time and i could see how long he could live.

it was a nightmare. i get to see how hyunsuk died.


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