Blessing in Disguise - Steve x Reader

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Steve came into the kitchen where you were currently sitting on a chair drinking lemon tea with honey. You had been coughing for the last couple of hour and hoped you were not getting sick. You started coughing again and trying not to look at him, which was hard. He had his workout clothes on and was looking good enough to eat.
"Are you alright Y/N?" Steve wonder and he looks at you with a frown on his face. You tried to wave him away, but he came closer. When you stopped coughing you looked up and saw that Steve was standing right next to you.
"Yes, I am fine," you said a little horse. He stood so close that you could feel the heat radiation from his body and you really wanted to give him a hug. You really needed a hug. You drank up your tea and felt his hand on your forehead.
"You are not alright," said Steve and started shaking his head. "You have a fever. Why are you out of bed?"
"I have a mission in a couple of hours with Nat" you replied and you could feel how raw your voice was. Your throat felt like it was on fire. Maybe you were sick?
"You are not going anywhere," said Steve and crossed his arms. You looked upon him. Why did he have to be so fucking gorgeous? You had never laid eyes on a man that was so good looking as Steve. And you worked with the Avengers. Where everyone looked like movie stars.

"Who is not going anywhere?" asked Clint when he walked into the kitchen.
"Y/N. She is sick. I am taking her to bed" Steve got you to stand up and you suddenly felt dizzy. Steve must have noticed it because he immediately lifted you up in his arms.
"I can go with Nat on the mission instead of Y/N," Clint said and you saw the smirk on his face. You knew that both Nat and Clint were very aware of your feelings for Steve.
"Thank you" said Steve and started walking out of the kitchen before you even got a word in. You had to admit being in Steve's arms made you a bit spacey.

Soon you were in your room and Steve put you down on your bed and you looked upon him biting your lower lip. You started getting nervous now that you were alone in your room. Not that you didn't trust Steve. He was a gentleman. No. you did not trust yourself and your big mouth. You had been in love with him for almost a year, but he didn't notice you. And you could not really blame him. You looked nothing like the women he had been interested in the past. You had met Peggy Carter and you were nothing like that kick-ass woman.

You were a trained S.H.E.I.L.D agent from the beginning, but after you had saved Nat and Clint, you had become a part of the Avengers. You were best friends with Nat and Clint. They had taken you under their wings and helped you train to be even better than before. And you had never been happier. You loved being an Avenger and kicking HYDRAS as. And over the last year, you had gotten a new family. Tony and Bruce were like your older protective brothers. Wanda was a really good friend. You were almost the same age and liked the same movies. Bucky was your midnight snack friend. The times you woke up in the middle of the night he was usually also up so you would sit in the kitchen eating ice-cream and talk about whatever you wanted. Sam was your running partner. Every morning. And that was probably why you were sick right now. You had been running in the pouring rain this morning and yesterday morning as well.

"Y/N" Steve was trying to get your attention.
"Sorry, what?" you said and looked up and meet his eyes.
"Is there anything I can get you?" asked Steve and looked around your room. You pointed at a drawer.
"Could you get me pyjamas from that drawer?"
"Yes" Steve when to your dresser and opened... the wrong drawer. He looked at you with a blush on his face. He had opened your drawer full of panties. You tried not to laugh at his face, but it was hard.
"One drawer down, Cap" you snorted out and started coughing again. Steve went to your bed and open a water bottle that you had on your nightstand.
"Here drink this," he said and handed you the bottle. You drank and when you had finished he took the bottle from you. He went back to the dresser and opens the right drawer this time. He took out a pair of shorts and a t-shirt that you had gotten from Nat. It was a Captain America pyjamas set. You felt your face heat up. Steve just laughs and handed them to you.
"I didn't think you would have one of these" he just said and shook his head.
"They were a present" you answered and could feel your face get warm. You just hoped that he didn't see that you had two more Captain America pyjamas sets.
"Wait here a moment," you said and walked into your bathroom. You changed as quickly as you dared to do. You were very dizzy and you could hear Steve pacing in your bedroom. You opened the door slowly and walked out into the room. Steve stopped pacing and turned to you. You felt exposed as you felt his eyes look at your body. He took a couple of steps against you and you felt your heart start beating faster. You were still dizzy and had to support yourself on the doorframe.
"You need to get some sleep" he finally said and walked over to your bed. His voice sounded almost rough. You walked over to the bed and crawled into the bed. Steve tucked you in and gave you a kiss on the forehead. He walked over to the door and when opened it.
"Thank you, Cap. I love you" you mumbled before you fell asleep.

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