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     I have been training to be the best and the bey cruiser is my shot for me to show my strength. I have been doing 1000 launches daily and my speed is perfect for Phoenix to win a battle without putting any effort. Now Phoenix is ten times faster, which makes most battles the same every time. Revive Phoenix destroys our opponents and his dark side is stronger than ever. 

     After my only defeat with Valt, I've been feeling rather angry. The memory of his victory keeps going on my head. I can not forget the memory of the burst finish I got against Valt. I have been training so hard so that next time we battle, the bey that will burst will be his bey, Wonder Valtryek. 

     My bey spirit has been higher to defeat Valt Aoi and the only reason I am planning to join the bey cruiser is to defeat Valt, the world champion. I have increased my launches to 2000 and I now practice every moment possible. Tomorrow I will go on the bey cruiser and I'll see if there are any opponents stronger than Revive Phoenix and I. We'll show them whose bey is the best.

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