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            A harsh glow from a single light shined down on me from above the back door. The ear-piercing music could still be heard from outside the club. It was packed as usual. My head pounded and I wrapped my arms around myself in order to provide even a bit of warmth. I knew I shouldn't have come tonight, I thought as I tug down the skirt that my friends had forced me to wear. My heels make a clicking noise as I walk down the steps. Ashly should have some Tylenol in her glove compartment. I could see the back of her car, which we had decided to park behind the building for lack of closer parking.

            I only manage a few steps towards the car before my hair is suddenly pulled back, sending my body crashing towards the cold, concrete ground. My head smashes against the concrete and a groan of pain escapes my lips as I squeeze my eyes shut. My hands gently prod the back of my head and I wince as I feel a warm, sticky liquid.

            Rough hands grip my wrists and pin them above my head. My eyes shoot open in fear, but dark spots cloud my vision. I can only make out strands of brown hair from the dim light. I whimper once they clear, leaving me with a dark silhouette made by the single light of the ally, hovering over me.           

            "No one will hear you."

            A zipper.

            I scream.

            My heart is pounding in my ears as I sit up in bed. A light sweat is coating my body, and my face is hot and wet from the tears streaming down my face. I press my hands to my face and take in a shaky breath before quickly reaching over to turn on the lights. I wish someone were here to tell me that it was just a dream.

            But that would be a lie.

            It's been three weeks. Sleep has become a rare thing to me. When I do sleep, I only relive that night. The night my innocence was ripped from me, leaving a bloody, broken girl with a fake ID and some fake diamond ear rings to go with her party outfit. 

            I force myself to get out of bed. Pushing the fatigue down inside of me. The memories brought the familiar feeling of nausea and I rush to the bathroom to empty my stomach. Once I'm finished, I stand up and brush my teeth. I glance over the pictures of me and my friends that frame my bathroom mirror. 

            Which smile should I wear today?

             I decide to go with simple and casual. That was usually the most convincing. A honking horn brings me out of my thoughts.

            Ashly offers me a small smile. "Hey,"she greeted once I got in the car.

            I put on my smile. "Hey." 

            Her smile drops. "How are you?"

            I shrug. "Fine." 

            The universal code word for 'I don't want to talk about it'. 

            She nods and pulls out of my driveway. The day goes by normally. Well, my new normal. This includes trying not to fall asleep in class, jumping out of my skin whenever someone touches me, and eating a load of food to fill the stomach I empty each morning. 

            I'm at my locker when I see a tall boy walking down the hallway. He has brown hair and pale skin. My heart beat picks up and I clutch my locker door as my breath escapes me. Suddenly I feel exposed, yet my body is frozen in place as a whirl wind of emotions consume me. I can feel a slight pain in the back of my head.

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