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Airi Pov
I went to the door to answer it and guess who was at the door my cousin bino I was so happy
Bino: Wassup cuz
Everyone came to the living room
Airi and bino did their handshake

Airi: I see that lil cuz didn't forget the handshake
Bino:u already know
Bino:hey Twins y'all cooling
Twins:You already know
Nique:BINO*ran up to bino and jumped up on him*
Bino: Wassup lil cuz*hugging her*
Carmen&Kianna:BINO BACK IN THE CUT!!
The Girls:Anyways bino these are our boyfriend's
Bino:Y'all date my cousins
Bino:Ok y'all cool with me anyways Airi u ready to get in the studio
Airi:U already know it's downstairs y'all coming
Kaleah: Daddy
Kaleah:Can you pick me up
Tray:Yeah come here*he picked up Kaleah*
Bino:Airi no capping but the Twins look like Tray
Kaleah&Leah:of course we his kids
Leah: Uncle Prime *putting her hands out*
Prime:Ok*picking her up*
Airi: Let's Go tomorrow and the twins go school
Twins:dang it
Bino: I don't I got a flight in the morning so since the Twins we will do the studio some other time ok Airi
Airi: I'm going to smoke some weed can y'all put the twins in their bed
Prime&Tray:Ok come on Twins
Twins: Ok

They put the Twins in their beds and Prime went in Airi to smoke with her and Tray came in the room to take a shower while everyone else is chilling in their rooms

Prime:let me hit it to sis
Airi:Ok here
Prime:ok imma go take a shower tell Tray I said goodnight
Airi:Ok good night bro
Prime:Ok goodnight sis

Tray came in the room and laid in the bed while Airi went in the shower

Airi Pov
When I came out the shower I put on a T-shirt with some basketball shorts and when I walked out I felt eyes on me and when I turned around Tray was staring at me and he was liking his lips

Tray:so I'm your boyfriend now I thought you was mad at me
Airi: I'm not mad at you and if you aren't my boyfriend then what are you
Tray: I'm your daddy
Airi:Nigga please
Tray:Come here
Airi went to tray and he started kissing her
Airi:Thanks for being in my children life
Tray: No problem I care for them like how I care for you
Airi:What about your ex
Tray:fuck her she not important I'm only focused on my kids and my girl
Airi:Fr u serious
Tray:Yea I'm serious because you are special to me and I don't wanna lose you
Airi:me either but can I be honest with you
Airi told tray everything about her and everything she told Gilly she didn't even notice that she was crying Then Tray told her everything and they both were crying
Tray: I will always be there for you and for my kids ok
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