The spell starts 'working'

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In the Great Hall, Gobber tried to animate the tribes with his musical performance of the legend of Bloodvist.

Bloodist, Bloodvist

Now the time has come

For all of us

To come and wreck your fist


Bloodvist, Bloodvist

*In the kitchen*

Jack opened the door as quiet as he could. There was no one in the kitchen. We grinned and slipped in. Jack made some tea while I tried to arrange the tray perfectly. Looked like all those lessons were going to pay off for the change. Jack placed the teapot on the tray and we made our way to the throne room. The door behind us opened.


"Dad", I responded, turning around. He entered the kitchen from outside.

"I've been worried sick." He waked to me and checked if I was alright, whie Jack stood there, watching awkwardly.

"You... You were?" I asked surprised.

"I didn't know where you'd gone or when you'd come back. I didn't know what to think. Oh, look at your suit", he complained.

"Oh. Toothless threw me. But I'm not hurt."

"Well, you're home now, so that's the end of it."

"Honestly?" I asked excited.

"I've pacified the chiefs for now. Your 'uncle' is out there, 'entertaining' them."

*Great Hall*

Come taste my blade

You manky drag'n

For gobbling up my limbs

The chiefs watched, unamused.

I'll hunt you

Then I'll sking you

Hang your scales up on a peg

Their daughters cheered, however.


"Of course, we both know a decision still has to be made." He looked apologizing to Jack. I picked up the cake and hold it up for him.

"What's this?" Dad asked.

"It's a peace offering. I made it. For you. Special." At least not everything was a lie.

"You made this for me?" I nodded. Half a lie. He hesitated for just a second, then took a bite. He chewed for a moment, then his face distorted. I looked at Jack. Wasn't this supposed to taste like a normal cake? "Interesting flavour."

"How do you feel?" I asked curious.

"What... What is that?"


"Tart and gamy."

"Have you changed your mind at all about the marriage and all that?" He took sips of water.

"Ah, that's better. Now why don't we go upstairs to the chiefs and put this whole kerfuffle to rest?" He took my arm and dragged me to the throne room. I glanced back one more time. Jack stood still frozen where I left him.

Just before we entried the room, dad tripped and leaned against the door. "Father?"

"I'm woozy suddenly." He grabbed his forehead. "My head's spinning like a top." He tried to continue walking but tripped again.


"Suddenly I'm not so well." I took that as a sign the spell started to work.

"So how do you feel about the marriage now?"

"Hiccup! Just take me to my room." I obeyed as he leaned on me and we walked into the throne room.

"All right, that's fine. That's just fine. A little bit to the left. That's good. A wee bit to the left. That's good", Gobber said, as two men tried to place the stuffed dragon in the right position. "It's good enough. Now, clear out of there, boys. I don't want you to spoil my shot." As we walked by, we drew the attention of the three chiefs, who sat together on one table.


"My lord King." They all ran to us when we walked up the stairs.

"We've been waiting patiently." Dad turned.

"Milords, I am out of sorts at the moment. But you shall have your answer." He burped, the chiefs looked shocked. "Presently. Now, if you'll excuse us." When we were almost upstairs, Gobber had thrown his axe at the stuffed dragon, which hit him right between the eyes.

"Stoick, look!" He shouted. "It's Bloodvist!" My father raised his hand and waved weakly. "Stoick? Are you alright, mate?"

"Fine, I'm fine", dad lied. "Go about avenging your limbs."

"Aye. You heard him, lads. I dream about the perfect way to make this devil die." He hit the dragon with another axe.

I pulled the covers up to dad's chin. "Just take all the time you need to getting yourself right, dad. Then maybe in a bit time you might have something new to say on the marriage." He turned on his side.

"What was in that cake?" I laughed nervously.

"Cake." He turned again, but this time he fell off the bed, dragging the blanket with him. "Dad?" I asked unsure. "So I'll just tell them the wedding's off, then?" Instead of answering, a growl came from the other side of the bed. "Dad?" I asked, an anxious feeling starting to form. I walked around the bed. He was totally hidden under the covers, making strange noises. He then stood up, towering me even more then he had done ever before. I watched in horror as the blankert fell off...

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