Vampires are Real...just like you and me

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A/n: This is a part two of 'Vampires are fake...or are they?'
Requested by Park_Pranada
The edit above is not mine...full credits to the creator of the edit used.
Hope you all enjoy!😊

That was when your certainty that vampires were fake disappeared.
And only one question stayed in the back of your mind

Are vampires real?...


(Y/N)'S P.O.V

You rolled over on the bed, eyes squinting due to the sun's radiating glow only to realize that Taehyung wasn't there.
Your eyebrows knitted in confusion
You mumbled, getting out of bed and stretching.

That's weird you always wake up before taehyung...he loves his sleep.

You thought back to all those times where your boyfriend was the heaviest sleeper in the world.
Where alarms wouldn't jog him out of slumber.
Not even you screaming in his ears could wake him up.
The only get your lazy, sleep-loving boyfriend out of bed was by tickling or pushing him out of the bed...even then sometimes he would curl up on the floor and go back into dreamland.

This morning however, was different and it confused the hell out of you.
You ruffled your hair, brushing your tangled hair out into a ponytail, blinking the sleep out of your eyes.
As you picked up your phone to check the time, a smokey scent filled your nostrils.
Your eyes widened in realization.

Taehyung wasn't here.
So he was obviously downstairs
And in the kitchen.

The one place where you forbade him to enter, knowing if he touched even a pot he would somehow burn the entire house down.

You sprinted downstairs, jumping the last two steps and bolted into the kitchen.


Said boy spun around to the call of his name.
A confused look tainting his golden features as brown strands of hair cascaded down his forehead, which was dotted in sweat.
A piece of what looked like a pancake hung from his glossy, velvet lips as pancake mix decorated his rosy cheeks.

"Uhh...are you..trying to make...pancakes?" You giggled as Tae finished the piece of pancake he was eating.

Hearing your laughter, he pouted and hit you playfully.
"Ya! Don't laugh! I was just trying to do something nice for you baby..."

Once your mini laughing fit was over, you brushed the powder of the pancake mix off his cheek and pecked his lips.

You then tilted your head, peeking over his shoulder.
"I thought I smelt smoke...that's why I came down here, I thought you started a fire."

"Oh that.." He smiled cheekily, scratching his head, "I accidentally lighted the stove wrong...resulting in a near explosion and I burnt your pancakes...sorry (Y/N)..."

"BUT!" Taehyung lifted a plate with a pile of fresh and decorated pancakes, "This WAS supposed to be mine..but you can have it...I'll make more for me!"
He turned around to continue making pancakes when you stopped him.
"Why don't you go sit on the table and eat while you wait for me to finish."

You stared at him before shaking your head and grabbing his hand.
"Nu uh...that's enough kitchen time for you today...or ever. You're not touching anything in this kitchen, now YOU go sit down on the table and I'LL make your pancakes. I do not trust at all in this kitchen."

Taehyung's shoulders sagged at your comment and he pouted, before strutting closer to you, shining his best puppy dog eyes at you.
"Pweez princess...pretty pweez...I wanna make breakfast today! I wanna show you that you CAN trust me in the kitchen!" He punctuated his sentence with his signature box smile.

You bit your lip, thinking about it for a while.
Well, not really, you already made up your mind to let him try again
Curse those cute puppy eyes.
You simply couldn't resist them.

You eventually sighed, " can continue doing what you were doing before. Just please be careful sweetie, don't hurt yourself and don't burn the house down."

"Actually.." You pulled out a chair that was nestled next to the counter.
"I'll watch you cook just incase, so even if something happens I'll be here to help you so it doesn't get out of hand."

Taehyung beamed as he continued working on a fresh batch of pancakes while you watched like a hawk so he wouldn't hurt himself or you.

When he was done, you both sat on the table and started eating the pancakes he had cooked for you both.
A hum left your lips as you tasted the sweet pancakes in your mouth.

"I assume that it tastes good?" Taehyung asked and expectant smile playing on his lips.

"Yeah it's actually delicious!" You spoke through a stuffed mouth.

"Hmm...glad you like it..." Taehyung grinned and then turned away from you, suddenly deep in thought about something foreign.

"Taetae...what are you thinking about?" You questioned him, eyes now narrowed, watching as he quickly snapped out of reality at the question threw his way.

"Huh? W-what?? You were saying something jagi?" He nervously cleared his throat and smiled anxiously.

You sighed, putting your forx down on your plate and giving him your undivided attention.
"Alright baby...what's wrong?" You inquired, a swirl of concern and worry lacing your voice.

Taehyung's focal view diverted from your face and to the half-eaten pancakes, sitting on the table.

He breathed in, patting down his hair nervously.
"" He clears his throat and let's out a semi-shaky breath, "There's something I've been meaning you..."

You tilted your head, knitted eyebrows showing your confusion but masking the anxiety crawling in your blood and uncontrollably rapid heart rate.
With a look, however, you urged him to continue.

Taehyung got up from his seat across you, the chair he previously sat on skating back with a creak.

He started pacing back and forth in front of you, causing your anxiety to multiply.
"Taehyung! Please just TELL ME already! I'm your girlfriend...I'll matter what it is..ok? I love you baby."
You strutted up to him and took his large, shaky hands in yours and gave them a squeeze to calm him down. Adding to that, you reached up and kissed his cheek, intertwining your fingers with his.

Taehyung flinced as you both made contact.
He embraced for a while and then untangled himself from you.

" may need to sit for this..."
He looked up at you, eyes holding the deepest secrets, secrets that you would maybe know of today. He wringed his hands together and took a deep breath for the umpteenth time that minute.

" going to sound super" He bit his lip, gulping as he closed his eyes for a moment to think of the right word.




So...did y'all like that?
I'm planning on a part three..cuz there was some other things about Tae I wanted to reveal, but since the chapter was long I decided to leave it on another cliffhanger.
Also..I'm a day late but..thank you all SO SO SOO MUCH for 200 followers and 2.5k reads.. you guys are the best..I love you all so much.
Keep supporting my chapters and other works!
Stay safe and remember that you're special and loved!
See y'all in the next chapter!!


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