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I screamed at almost everything when we went in the garden, scared out of my mind. We had to go back inside after only ten minutes. Melissa came with us and laughed her ass off at my pain. Dad kept scolding her, but she didn't listen. I blushed madly and soon felt tears emerge in my eyes.
   "MELISSA!" Dad eventually yelled when he saw them. She shut up immediately.
   He sighed silently. "Aaron, you can go to your room for half an hour until the therapist comes." He said.
   I quickly sped down the hall and to my room. Alexander followed, oblivious to the fact I was sad. Once I was in my room I slammed the door shut. I didn't break down, however I did shake a little and a few tears escaped from my eyes. I turned on my TV and blasted 'Mind Brand' since my walls were soundproof.
   Dad knocked on my door after half an hour. "You ok?"
   I turned off my TV and got up, opening it. "Mhm."
   "Good." He smiled but then stared at my cheeks. "Hang on." He led me to the bathroom and got the hand towel wet under the sink tap. Alexander watched from the doorway in case he hurt me. He prodded at my cheeks with the towel and dried it after.
   "Stains?" I mumble when he was done.
   "Mhm." He said, setting the towel over the radiator to dry.
   I watched, standing aimlessly. When he started walking out, I ran over and hugged him tightly. He staggered a little from impact. "Woah!" He forced a little bit laughter and put an arm around me.
   "Thank you." I said.
   He smiled at me and kissed my forehead. "Do you want me to be in there with you?"
   "Yes please." I mumble. I still didn't let go. "I love you." I mumbled.
   "Love you too, son." 
   I smiled to myself and still didn't let go, so he laughed and dragged me down the hall and up a set of stairs. We went to a sitting room that was used for when family or friends came over and they just wanted to talk. When we sent inside, I saw a man sitting down with a clipboard. I knew that he was a therapist and there to help, but I freaked out anyway.
   You don't need help.
   I quickly tried leave but dad's arm suddenly tightened around me. I started aggressively fighting to get out but he put up with it and forced me inside, locking the door and putting the key in his front pocket. I was desperate, but I wasn't that desperate, so I stopped trying to get out.
   I looked at the therapist and noticed him writing something down. I quickly hid my ears and tail, suddenly remembering them. Dad made me sit on a different couch and then sat in an armchair.
   "I don't need help." I said quickly, just repeating what I'd heard. In all honesty, I didn't know if I was fine or not.
   "That's fine." He said. "We're just going to test that, ok? I'm going to ask you yes or no questions and we'll go from there." He was speaking to me as if I was a 15 year-old hormonal teenager.
   I didn't answer, making dad sigh. I suddenly felt terrible.
   Don't answer.
   So I didn't. I'd already broken one rule. I closed my eyes and blocked out any questions. When he kept on asking them, I started saying no to everything he said.
   He sighed. "Look, I need you to answer this honestly. I can give you paper and you can write it on there instead if you want."
   I shake my head rapidly and opened my eyes. "It's the truth."
   Dad was sitting with his hands in his face in his hands, leaning back. "Aaron, please." He mumbled.
   I looked at my lap and started picking at my nails. "I can't." I said honestly.
   "Is someone telling you that you can't?" He asked.
   Dad removed a hand and looked at me. "Aaron."
   "I'm being honest!" I lied.
   I stood up and ran to the door, trying my best to open it despite it being locked. Alexander was on the other side of the door, whining. The therapist sighed. "I think we're done for the day."
   "Yeah." Dad mumbled, getting up. He took the key from his pocket and walked over, unlocking the door. I straight away pulled it open and ran out and back downstairs to my room. Alexander ran after me, barking.
   I paused outside of my bedroom door.
   Do it.
   My eyes filled with tears and I started slamming my head into the wall, fast and hard. Dad ran down after I'd done it for the 32nd time as I was about to pass out. "FOR IRENE'S SAKE!" He yelled from anger, pulling me away from it.
   Mad, I growled loudly and started fighting for him to let go. I kicked and punched him but didn't care because he was returning it, trying to apprehend me.
   Mom emerged and tried to pull me off. Accidentally, while my legs were waving in the air, I kicked her on her knee. She screamed because I kicked her really hard. I stopped then. Dad took the opportunity and stood up, throwing me into my room so that I fell to the ground with a thump and then locked my door. I slammed my head into my thickly carpeted floor but felt nothing.

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