Jasmine was born on August 20,1892 she takes a lot but she likes schools and friends. She goes to Rexha High School and she became a Teacher but Annie don't like to go to her school. Midori was a Slave and she don't like Jasmine and she always like...
Kim saw a asteroid in a robot mom's metalic village, A mother robot's was a twins robot womb inside.
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The robotman cut out of the baby robot twin's wombs and wrap with 2 pink baby blankets. Robot Mom said to home (I hate you robot girl) and they grew up and robot mom slapped her face and she fall of her robot village and she fell to Jasmine's World.
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The robot girl fell to Alice's house and she said who are you? robot girl said I'm robot girl and My mom hated me and kick me out and Would you like to be my friend?,yes I will be your friend Alice replied. Robot girl said I will turn you into a robot soon, Alice said I don't like to transform into a robot robot girl said Here's a gift or a kiss she know.
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W-what [ROBOT GIRL¡!¡ ARE YOU SILLY?¿] Alice shouted I turned into a robot. Kim asked Jasmine who turned Alice into a robot Jasmine said Alice don't want to touch you into a robot she replied. She touched Keito and he turned into a robotboy.
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Robot girl, Robot Alice and Robotboy travelled to robot girl's metallic village and asked robot mom said (Why do you come for these robots brat?) robot girl said I kiss them and she touched him,ok brat you will be a robot maid and you robots go fight the world into robot said robot mom.
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