Jasmine was born on August 20,1892 she takes a lot but she likes schools and friends. She goes to Rexha High School and she became a Teacher but Annie don't like to go to her school. Midori was a Slave and she don't like Jasmine and she always like...
Jasmine have a new test called a End of term then the Students work together and they got A+ and Junie got a C+,Ayu cried for a new fashion and makeup and the 5 faries made a new dress.
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She turned into a new dress and they cheer for her. Jasmine wears a Military uniform and she meet her she said Who are you? The Other Woman said I'm Midori and I hate you. Ariah has Many Soldiers and they like to kill guards or enemies to defeat, Midori like to Strangle her and kill her yet,Nikki was a very slave she sings 7 rings.
Midori said this is goodbye Jasmine to kill her, Nikki is very evil,She likes to kill 3 husbands. Slaver Arianna was Nikki's Killer girlfriend,Mom just hated her and she leaving her house, Her favourite Journey is A Soldiership City she likes to shoot with her cousin Junie. Jasmine said [MIDORI DON'T SHOT ME AND LET MY STUDENTS GO!] Midori putted down the handgun and she used her knife and she won't kill her. Keito said to Ayu's Friends (Where is Jasmine?) Luna said maybe she's at Midori's Military headquarters to kill her, Midori said [IF YOU DARE KILL ME, I WILL NEVER GOODBYE TO YOU OR ELSE!]