~Chapter 4~

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Okay I said if it got to 75 reads so here u go. My pinky hurt ;-;
Oh and look some art of Dipsy up there. It is old so eef I will make some better art for ya guys :3

          Ron wondered the empty desert for what seemed like forever. It was getting tiresome to walk and his feet were burning against the hot ground. He managed to find a large rock that offered shade. He took it and laid in the coolness of it, his feet relaxing. Ron didn't have much water left so he took a small sip, saving the rest for later.

          Ron stayed there for a good while, not wanting to get up. He forced himself after a while and kept on pushing on. As night fell, he felt uneasy. As if someone was watching him. Ron pushed it out of his mind as he thought, "Who else would be in the desert?"

          Still, that feeling of uneasiness kept its grasp. He would jump at the smallest noise or fall to the ground when he thought he saw something. Ron felt unbearably tired and tried keeping pace, but each passing minute he became slower and slower, tiredness wrapping itself around the blue tubby. Soon enough, Ron was on the sandy ground, lightly snoring as he shivered against the cold desert wind.

          While Ron peacefully slept, light footsteps could be heard crunching in the sandy environment. Green and bloody feet stopped right in front of the sleeping tubby. After roaming the desert for ages, Dipsy has finally found him. This time he won't let the blue tubby go so easily. Dipsy smirked, his razor teeth glistening against the moon's soft glow. He picked up the tubby below him and started to carry him to who knows where.

          Ron snuggled into the green fur by him, earning a purr from the owner of it as he walked through the night

~timeskip brought you by me being a lazy author who needs to write more~

          Ron stretched and popped his back then went back to being a lazy shit, scratching his side a little. His eyes slowly opened then quickly shot wide into horror when he saw where he was. He was in his old room back at the satellite station. Ron quickly got and ran out of his small room.

          All the bodies of his friends were strangely gone, blood trails indicating they must of been dragged away. However, the smell of blood and decay still stayed, almost making Ron throw up. He started walking around slowly to either find the exit or a weapon. He didn't want to face that green monster unarmed! That monster said he would kill him if he didn't leave!

          Even though Ron's footsteps were almost as soft as an ant's, Dipsy managed to know that he was up and at it. Dipsy stepped in front of the blue tubby, almost making him fall back.

~Ron's POV~

          Oh god no. It is him! I don't have a weapon, but he doesn't have one either! Maybe I can try to fist fight him. No he has sharper claws, sharper teeth. He could tear me to shreds at any moment. Maybe I can try to talk to him. Hopefully he might understand this is a big misunderstanding. And maybe he will decide I'm not so tasty looking and let me go anyways.

~No one's POV~

          "H-Heeyyyy..." Ron put on the best smile he could and waved a bit at the tubby in front of him. Dipsy didn't seem interested in it as he stepped closer. "Okay I know y-you're mad b-but let me explain! I was in the desert, FAAAAR from here and then I decide to go sleep. Here is the best part. I wake up and BOOM! I'm here! C-Crazy story....r-right?" Ron looked up as Dipsy towered over him, only a few inches away.

          "It wasn't hard at all carrying you back here ya know? You should be thanking me because if I didn't pick you up, some other monster would. And I wouldn't want that," Dipsy smirked down him, winking at the blue tubby a little. Ron gasped, "You followed me!? WHY!?" Ron yelled at Dipsy who soon covered the blue tubby's mouth after a while, "Because I don't want a tubby like you being taken by any other monster besides me."

          "A tubby like me? What do you mean?" Ron's one good eye narrowed at him. "A cute and dependant tubby like you needs protecting by someone who appreciates having your adorableness around," Dipsy brought up his hand and lightly stroked Ron's cheek. Instantly his hand was slapped away, "I don't need protecting! I was perfectly fine before you decided to whisk me off my feet and bring me back here!"

          Dipsy laughed at the smaller tubby, "This is what makes you so cute. Come on, stay with me. I promise you won't regret it," Dipsy tried convincing Ron, but he kept refusing. Dipsy became ticked off at this and picked him up, carrying him to a room, "Then I'll just show you why you should stay with me," He smirked evilly.

          Ron struggled to free himself, but Dipsy's grip was tight around Ron. Ron looked at where they were going ans fought more, not liking this one bit.


Will next chapter be a juicy lemon or will I torture you guys some more and not do a lemon? Find out on the next episode of dragon ball z-

I hope you enjoyed that chapter! I know I'm sorta late on this one and I'm sorry. I'm a lazy turd.

I enjoy writing this story but I also wanna write stuff for my oneshot book so plz give me ideas for that over on my oneshot book! Plus if you wanna give me ideas for future stories like this one, plz do I would love that.

I hope you enjoy your night and I hope you don't get angry at me for leaving you on a small cliff hanger!

Sky out-

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