Chapter 3: Moving Day!

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Nataliya, Traci, and their mother Lola packed their things into the back of their car. The big things like the couch, refrigerator, filing cabnet, dressers, etc. Were being sent to their new 2 story house in St.Petersburg. Nataliyas friends were sad to see her go, but they all had a plan. Nataliya and Traci's mother filled up a ice chest with cold snacks and drinks for the roadtrip. Nataliya and Traci have a full blood poodle named Ollie, they packed her food, food bowl, water bowl, blankets, and toys with them. Nataliya decided to sit in the back with her sister so they could chat and catch up on what each other had been doing for the past 2 months. Nataliya, Traci, their mother, and their poodle Ollie all said goodbye to their house as they pulled out of the driveway and drove to the highway they needed to go on to get to St.Petersburg. They kissed Moscow goodbye.

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