Chapter 2: I Meet the Flippin' Fam

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   Eryn's POV
Stark Tower, New York

Nat and I walk into Stark Tower and I'm instantly awed. This is where my new dad works. It's insanely big and crowded.

Nat starts talking to a blonde lady in a pencil skirt, then walks over to me and introduces, "This is Pepper Potts, your dad's actual assistant. I just... help sometimes. Pepper, this is Eryn, the girl Tony's been running his mouth about the past five days. Speaking of which, how did he get back to NY so fast?"

Pepper grins. "A good deal of me driving and speeding. He is good at avoiding the law. You of all people should know that."

Nat snorts. "Ok, fair. Eryn, you ready to meet your dad?" I nod, taking a deep breath. Nat walks over to the elevator and presses the button labeled 30. My jaw drops.

"How tall is this place?" Nat points to a button labeled 60, right next to the one for Rooftop Deck. I gasp.

The elevator dings. We step out. Nat pushes open a door marked Tony Stark. I follow her in nervously. The great genius millionaire playboy philanthropist, Tony Stark himself, is throwing a bouncy ball at the wall. He's shorter than I thought. Nat coughs.

He looks up. "Hey Nat! How's my favorite assassin? Hi small girl behind Nat. You must be Eryn Wiles. Sorry about the whole car crash deal." I like this guy already.

"I should actually thank you, Mr. Stark. You saved me having to run away later on. So you're my new dad?"

"Yep. I'm your new old man. How old are you exactly?"

"13. Do I get to be an only child or do I have siblings? And when can I get a prosthetic arm? I tried duplicating my arm using my... powers in the car, but it wouldn't stay like normal."

Tony raises an eyebrow, "Powers?" I gulp and concentrate very hard on what my left arm looked like. A slightly transparent version of it hovers where it should be. I sigh as it fades.

"On normal stuff, I can do it." I stare at the bouncy ball on his desk. Another slowly forms and solidifies next to it.

Tony stares for a second before answering my questions, "Umm... you'll have an older brother, Peter. You'll get a cool metal arm in an hour or two. And please, call me Dad."

   I smile, "Ok Dad. When do I see my room?"

   Tony says, "Right now. Follow me to floor 50. Aaaand... it doesn't have furniture because I don't know what teenage girls like." I want to giggle. It's the first time I've seen Tony Stark look awkward.

We go to floor 50. I hold in a squeal. It's a huge floor plan that has three bedrooms, two baths, a kitchen, a huge living room with a 90 inch flat screen tv! The floor plan covers all of floor 50 and is tall enough to be two stories.

Tony waves his hands around at the rooms. "My room, Pete's room, your room," He finishes, opening my door. My room is clean and bare right now. There's a spiral staircase to my loft (my own second floor! :)). I squeal as I take it in.

"I can imagine it. We'll put bookshelves in the loft, some shag carpet on the floor, my art and music stuff on the wall by the stairs, and my bed and vanity by the bathroom."

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