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We lay on my bed next to each other. He lays farther up then me.

My hair is all sprawled out so Logan decides twirl, twist and just play with my hair.

I laugh as he plays with my hair.

I can feel his eyes and smile on me.

I'm used to it and I have to admit, I kind of like it.

"I'm a picture person and you know that. Thats why we take pictures every time you come over. So, first, let me take a selfie." I say and get up.

Logan lets go of my hair.

I grab my phone from my pocket and get out the camera.

Logan grabs my hair again and poses with it, with his tong sticking out.

I scrunch up my lips and furrow my eyebrows.

Then I snap a picture of us.

Logan lets go of my hair again and we smash our heads together doing our bright smiles.

Then we both do a Miley Cyrus with tong and peace, then a Cole, then a Dana, a mad face, annoyed face, and we just have tones of fun taking a bunch of selfies making weird faces together. We have no life. I know. Shutup. But whenever I'm with Logan, it's like it's the best day.

My Best Friend LoganWhere stories live. Discover now