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Double update 🤗


Seokjin sits in a state of panic. His mind going crazy with thoughts of what awaits him beyond the small confines of the stall he is cowering in.

His body stiffens when he hears the sound of heavy footsteps approaching the door. He begins to shake nervously when he sees two black timberland boots stop just outside of the entryway. There is no way that he has the strength to fight off anyone in the state that he is in.

Jungkook stands in front of the closed stall. His hands come up to grip the sides of the door frame as he leans his forehead against the cold metal used to encase the door. His only want right now is to rip the abstruction off its hinges to get at what awaits behind it. But he tries to restrain himself.

He hears a slight whimper from inside. The noise is music to his ears, resonating throughout his entire being. He rolls his head against the door and breaths out deeply before finally speaking. "Is everything okay in there...?" Jungkook asks, eyes shut tight while his warm breath leaves a condensation imprint onto the chilled metal surface. The young alpha is trying desperately to fight back his primal urges.

"I'm fine!" Seokjin calls back, his voice showing clear signs of his desperation. "N-no need to worry-" another agonizing pain cuts off Jin's words, causing a slight growl to leave his lips. His now glossy eyes turn back to the door, before they close and his body hits the floor.


Heavy breaths...

Hands gripping tightly at his waist...

Red glowing eyes...

The sweet aroma of caramel macchiato...

Seokjin doesn't even know what happened as he starts to regain consciousness. His eyes slowly open, trying to take in his surroundings. He looks up only to see the sharp jawline of the alpha from the other day. He isn't sure of how he ended up in this man's arms. The only thing that he is sure of is that this alpha in front of him is dangerous and way too close.

And... Holy shit he smells so good.

Jungkook sits the older down, leaning him against the side wall of the bathroom. The young alpha kneels in front of him, glaring at him through crimson eyes. Seokjin can tell that the younger is having an intense internal conflict with himself.

"Fuck.." The younger breathes out while crouching in front of him. "Why are you alone in here? And in this condition?"

Jungkook's eyes take in the creature before him. The older male's mesmerizing eyes are shining an electric blue, his panting chest heaves up and down with each sharp breath that he takes, and his thick plump lips are dry and parted. The amount of sweat that the older had dispersed has created a blanket of pheromones across his skin. Jungkook is having an extremely hard time controlling himself as he takes in the olders form from underneath his sweat drenched white work shirt as it clings to his body.

"I t-told you I was fine!" The older bites back. "I can h-handle myself!"

"Really?" Jungkook chuckles lowly, unknowingly sending chills up the older's spine as he does. The younger looks back up, making sure to lock eyes with the bold hybrid. "If I was a weaker man, you would be naked and panting on all fours underneath me by now."

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