Chapter 14

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It's been a while since that day. That you and Taylor said you wouldn't care about the assholes. Sticking up for each other. Along with the boys. Having each other's backs. You never paid attention to Jon and his friends. As if there was never a friendship. Lifting a ton of weight off of you. Feeling better. But Jon and them on the other hand.

Were hurt‚ angry‚ and frustrated. Not sure what to do now. Losing you and the fact that you replaced them. Knowing it's all their fault. They hated the feeling. The feeling of being stuck. Have no one like you to help them.  Anyway. Fall passed and it was becoming winter.

Snow falling and the air becoming cold. You met all of your friends parents. Who absolutely loved you. Bryce's mom made you all scarfs for winter. Which You all loved. You decided to take them to your special place. That only you knew. Well‚ you and those other guys only knew. It was a little safe place for you. Especially during the white winter.

"Hey y/n where are you taking us?" Luke asked. "Yeah and why is it out here in the forest?..." Bryce asks a little worried. This makes you smile lightly. " You'll see soon... Just a little bit further." You say. "Hope you aren't planning on killing us... Because that's not cool." Taylor joked. I chuckled lightly. "Nah... It's not like that.... Plus if I were to do that. It wouldn't be my friends... It'd be that slut..."

You say smiling bigger. "Not a bad idea though..." You think out loud.

"Woah easy there psycho... I was kidding. None of us want to see someone as innocent as you go to jail." Taylor spoke. Making you laugh. " That's the point! No one would ever expect an innocent person like me to do anything like that... Plus they wouldn't find her... If I killed her out here... It could be anyone once they find her... Oh wait. Never mind they won't even be able to. Animals would get to her before them..." You say. Going off on your thoughts.

Not hearing any response. You stop. Looking back questioningly. Seeing them either in shock or uncomfortable. " Ok y/n stop... Seriously. It's scary." Taylor admitted.

You stood there. Then chuckled awkwardly. "Sorry guys.... I didn't realize that I was going too far..." I say. They try to play it off. Pushing it aside. You lead them again. In silence.

You then smile as you were almost there and could not wait. Finally stopping. "Tadda!!! We're here! Me special spot to be..." I say. Looking back to see them stare in amazement.

 Looking back to see them stare in amazement

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