Chapter 25

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You're Pov

I went out to look for a hair piece. Since it was the only nice thing for my now short hair. I wore my sweater to cover my beautiful newly marks on my arms. I sigh and walk around the mall looking at stuff. Seeing girls buying stuff last second.

I had my dress and other stuff ready at home. I just needed a hair piece. But then I stop in front of a store. "I've always wanted that..." I say looking at the picture on the side. 'Hell yea!' I think and walk in.


I walk out satisfied. Finding a perfect hair piece to match my look. I smile as I was happy with my looks. I felt beautiful... For once in a while. And I would look great one I put everything together later in the evening. I happily walk with the small bag for the hair piece. Humming as I went along. But my tummy rumbles. So I stop and look.

"Hmm where should I eat?" Looking at the food court. I just walk to the closest and order something to go. Waiting for them to make it. I sat at a table close by. Looking up from my phone time to time. Just playing a game to kill time.

"Y/n?..." I hear. I then look to see who called my name. Seeing them. Ohm and Bryce. I fake a smile. "Hey boys..." I say sweetly. They smile too. "What are you doing here?" Bryce asks. "Oh I was just getting something last second... For my outfit. Then I stopped to grab something to eat." I say setting my phone down. Looking past them. Silently hopping they'd call for me.

"Oh really? So you are going to prom?" Ryan ask hope in his eyes. I sigh and make a soft smile. "Yeah..." I was quite. "Are you with anyone?" Bryce asks quite awkwardly. I giggle lightly "No... It's just me. What about you guys? Going on a date before prom?" I ask chuckling at the last part. Making them embarrassed and awkward. "What? No! We're just looking for Taylor and Luke!" Ryan argued.

My smile fades for a minute hearing their names. But I force it back hopping they didn't notice. But I knew Bryce caught it. "Yeah... We came with them but ran off to get something last second too. For our dates." Bryce spoke. I nod. Then I hear who I didn't want to see right now. "Aye there you two are. We've been lookin for ya... Who's that?" Luke spoke.

"Oh it's-" "Y/n? Your order is ready." A man called holding my food. Interrupting Bryce. 'Finally...' I thought. Silence around me. I stood and walk over. Giving them a smile and saying thank you. As I grabbed my order. I turn and look at the four. "Wow y/n... I didn't recognize you with you're new look..." Taylor spoke. Luke was silent.

"Yeah I was gonna say you look nice..." Ohm said. Bryce agreeing. I just force another fake smile and walk away. Thanking Ryan and Bryce for the compliment. My smile fades. "The last people I need to see before prom..." I mumble and sigh. Walking to the exit. Heading home. As I get there I stare at my dress.

So white and pure... A perfect look for a perfect situation.

I check the time. 4 o'clock pm it read. I started to set my stuff together so I could get ready quickly later. I head to the family room. I grab a box and sit on the couch. Opening it up and going through the stuff. I smile. Taking a photo album out. I open it up. I look at every picture. Having my family in it. Including my friends. Taking time to admire them. Noticing their bright smiles. Lit up eyes.

Every time I saw myself I'd cross it off. "Soon you'll smile so bright again." I say with a sigh. Silence in the room. Heavy and big. Am I doing the right thing? Will this help my family? Hopefully. I check the time.

"We'll find out tonight... It's time." I say. Closing the book. Setting it aside with the other memories. Heading to my room. Getting ready. "Tonight I'll give everyone what they want... And need..."

~To be continued~

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